Chapter 25-He's In Love [E]

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"Annie's been distant, unreadable lately." Uncle Brett observed, sitting on the couch looking toward the hallway.

Cici frowned at him, her fine eyebrows furrowed, glancing in the same direction. Brett was right, Annie had been quiet and reserved, not speaking unless spoken to, avoiding everybody. It was their last day in Hawaii and they had a planned to go to a nightclub to do some dancing, and celebrate Annie's mock "Birthday."

"It doesn't seem like she's in the mood to celebrate tonight." Cici replied sighing. "I wonder what's wrong..."

"I don't think she's still mad at me for throwing her in the ocean." He mused. He wondered if it had to do with that man, Julien. So far he's witnessed both, Annie and Julien, stealing glances at each other. A few blushes from his niece and a little smirk from the brooding man, had shown him something was going on between them. Brett wasn't about to go public with his speculation, keeping his thoughts to himself.

"Well whatever it is, you know Annie, she won't confide in me what's bothering her." Cici said, folding her legs underneath her, slanting her body closer to Brett.

"Yeah, I know. But you hadn't noticed anything off about her? Something different?" Brett asked in a low voice. Most of their party was on the beach enjoying the last few hours of the Hawaiian sun and others were inside having lunch in the next room.

Cici frowned, not knowing if she should voice her thoughts about what she's seen...Annie's attraction toward Julien St. James. She wondered if Brett suspected anything. "Why do I feel like you're insinuating something? What do you know that I don't?" Cici narrowed her eyes at him, as she asked innocently. If he knew something, she was going to try to coarse it out of him.

Brett frowned, pursing his lips together, "No, I was just curious."

Cici held back her frustration by biting her lip. Laughter could be heard coming from the patio door.

Phaedra entered the living room in her sun hat and a yellow dress. "Hi!" she greeted them cheerfully and took a seat on the adjoining love seat. Both Brett and Cici replied back with tight smiles. "So are we still on for tonight?" She whispered, leaning her body forward.

"I think so..." Cici replied unenthusiastically. Brett offered a brief smile and slight nod of his head.

"Excuse me ladies, I'm going to grab a bite to eat." Standing up, Brett escaped the room, not wanting to contribute to their conversation. Cici glared at his retreating back until he disappeared into the kitchen.

Annie avoided Julien like she was trying to avoid the plague. She was not wanting to acknowledge him in any way. She knew that ignoring him would not make him go away, but she didn't know what else to do.

Sitting in the bedroom she shared with Cici, Annie stayed cooped up and out of sight, not feeling like socializing with anyone. Hating the way she felt, angry and lost, it burdened her how she left things with Julien.

Maybe she was too harsh. The tipping point was when he told her he was going to her father.  He wasn't being rational. Their relationship status was moving too fast for her liking.  Annie wanted time and Julien wanted to rush things. 

Annie sighed in frustration for the thousandth time that day. Rubbing her temples as if it would make her headache disappear, Annie looked up as the door to the bedroom opened.

Cici breezed in and plopped down on the bed, sinking her face into the pillow, she seemed irritated from the look on her face, making Annie frown.  "What's wrong with you?"

Cici turned her face toward Annie curling to her side. "Oh, nothing. I can't wait to get back home is all."

"Ditto."  Annie answered back, curling to her side as well, facing Cici. "I have a killer headache..." Closing her eyes.

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