His Camelia-Now COMPLETED...

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Hello His Duchess readers,

For those of you that haven't read the spinoff to His Duchess yet, I wanted to inform you all that my next story, His Camelia is NOW COMPLETE!

I've included a short description and a small excerpt. I hope you will begin reading it and enjoy it as much as you did His Duchess....


She is shy. He is brave. She hides in the shadows. He lives in the spotlight. She wished for a fairytale ending. He wants to grasp life by the horns.

Stefan Steel-a former navy S.E.A.L., a hero, and every girls dream. He recently inherits his grandfathers vast fortunes making him one of the most popular, sought after, eligible bachelors in the country.

One day he is approached to protect a girl, Camelia St. James.

A threat, an enemy, emerges from the ashes to extract his revenge against the St. James family and the prime target is Camelia.

Stefan goes undercover and names himself Kent. He changes his appearance and poses as her bodyguard until the threat is eradicated.

She doesn't recognize Stefan although their paths have crossed countless times. And both of them are hiding their own secrets, secrets that may alter their destiny's.

But nothing will prove quite as complicated as the potent attraction brewing between Camelia and her bodyguard. No matter how closed off she is like the delicate petals of the flower that represent her name, Stefan is determined to keep her safe and peel the many layers surrounding, Her heart...Her body...and Her soul.

Will it be too late when she learns the truth? Will she have the chance at the fairy tale she secretly hoped for but never believed would come true? Or will the enemy hunt her down and get to her first?

Always be careful what you wish for... Life's greatest lessons are learned at the worst times.


Stefan adjusted the drivers seat and leaned back slightly in his black Jeep Grand Cherokee. Glancing out the window he waited until Camelia came out to meet her driver. A team of undercover bodyguards Julien hired shadowed the vehicle which was to pick her up.

He was outside parked across the street from the college she attended watching from afar acting like a spy. Reaching for the photo laying on the passenger side seat, he brought it up to his face for closer inspection.

He couldn't put the photo down since her father gave it to him.  She certainly grew into her beauty with same thick dark glossy hair, dark blue eyes, and smooth peachy skin.

She appeared so young and so innocent it was difficult to imagine a twenty year old girl. The deep blue eyes that stared back at him looked strong and proud. She did not smile in the picture, however, he could not help but read the determination and knowledge in her stare. The picture bared no emotion, yet she had a seductiveness, a twinkle in her yes he'd never seen before.

She was bewitching.

Tracing the outline of her jaw with a finger absentmindedly, Stefan imagined her voice to be just as sweet as her soft plump mouth. The innocence emitting from her caught his eye. Most females few out of that stage and appeared more maturer and refined with distinct angles forming their features. Camelia appeared just as soft and delicate like that of a blooming flower.

He had no doubt it wasn't difficult for her to catch many people's attention, she was much more than attractive, she was far more beautiful then the average girl, there was something unique about her he could not put his finger on even back when she was a little girl.

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