Chapter 21- First Date [E]

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Annie wasn't afraid of his boldness but afraid of herself. The need that clenched inside of her was surprising upon hearing him utter, you are mine... Not knowing what to say, she broke eye contact, trying to focus on anything but him. He took her breath away with his dominance, and she liked it, finding it incredibly attractive. It warmed her heart that he was fighting to keep her from leaving.

The cluster of emotions rushed up to the surface all at once, keeping her unbalanced and unfocused. One moment she gave into his ravishing kiss, somewhat, and the next she was trying to run out the door. Shaking her head she felt confused with herself, fighting what she wants and what is right or wrong.

Looking back to his penetrating dark gaze, his eyes were filled with anger, at her or himself, she knew not. He was breathing deeply and his nostrils flared slightly.  His aggression before unnerved her and had she wanted him to stop she would have. But thinking of no one else she would rather experience her first kiss with, she allowed Julien the contact. The years of his experience was evident with his probing kisses and by the way he touched her body.

Wanting to kiss him again she looked down to his lips, not being able to help herself. And now she desperately wanted him to touch and kiss her all over again. Annie suddenly felt courageous, wicked and daring, wondering if it would feel different since she was prepared for the impact of his kiss this time.

Leaning away from the door slowly, she closed the small gap between them coming up to his face, still not touching him. His arms were still holding her captive, as his tense stance relaxed slightly watching her closely.

No words were spoken between them.

Lowering his arms and snaking them around Annie, he roughly brought her against his hard muscled body, entrapping her arms along her sides, and leaned his head down. Annie felt a rush of excitement as he took control again, crashing his lips against hers. At first his kiss was demanding and fierce but slowly softened, coaxing her lips apart.

Julien ran his tongue along the seam of her lips and she gasped in surprise. Finding the opportunity he forced his tongue inside her mouth, gripping his hand behind her head and tilting it back to allow him better access. When his tongue touched hers she felt her stomach twist with need, awakening something within her, something she did not quite recognize.

Kissing him back, Annie closed her eyes and gave him what he needed from her as their tongues dueled one another.

Annie tugged her arms from his constricting grip to wrap around the nape of his neck as her fingers caressed his hair and pulled him closer to her if it were possible, making Julien moan into their kiss. It became intense and even frantic as Julien kissed her with such force she knew her lips were going to look puffy when they were done. It was as if he were a starved man and you were giving him water for the first time, taking what she offered greedily.

Annie broke apart to catch her breath, sagging against him, weak. They were both breathing hard, out of breath. Julien held her, his hands under her shirt caressing her skin as she controlled her racing heart. Chest to chest, thigh to thigh, Annie raises her eye to watch him. 

His eyes were half lidded with passion and desire.  He pecks her lips lightly while smirking.

"This is only the beginning duchess...there is so much more I want to do to you..." He stated in a husky voice.

Annie felt dazed and faint at his words, her face flushing scarlet yet again at his directness. He chuckled at her reaction and hungrily captured her lips in another searing, jaw dropping kiss.

Backing her up against his office door her caged her once more, his hips locking her in place while he grabbed her hands which were clutched to his shirt. He clasped her hands on either side of her head, imprisoning them against the door as they continued to kiss each other deeply.

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