Chapter 34- The Wedding Part 2 [E]

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Brett maneuvered them around until they found a couple of empty chairs, it was a better view of the table the St. James' occupied now that the tables were side by side making Annie internally groan. 

Slowly the tension seeped from her body but the heartache still remained.  Seeing Julien for the first time in weeks gave Annie a sense of relief. She thought it would have been harder but it had quite the opposite effect.

Just being able to observe him talk and smile and look like himself made her content and grateful nothing more happened that fatal day. It was a miracle he was amongst them, and if just looking at him was all she was going to get, although it was not enough, than she'd take it. It was a difficult compromise but better than never seeing him ever again.

Phaedra and Kate spotted her and waved, rising from their table to greet her.  It was weeks since she's seen any of the St. James family, it wasn't only Julien she avoided, it was all of them. 

Annie stood from her seat to greet them as they approached. 

"Hello darling!" Kate exclaimed.  "It feels like ages since I've last seen you!"  Giving her a brief hug.  Kate pulled her back and searched her face trying to decipher her features. 

Phaedra quickly squeezed by her mother and gave her a tight hug, squealing in delight at seeing her. "You look stunning Annie! It's been too long!" She gushed. Annie forced a smile and returned her embrace.

Someone from across the room called out to Phaedra and she turned waving. "Excuse me, I'll be back!" Phaedra said.

Annie turned back to Kate. Her arched eyebrows and suggestive tilt of her head and the knowing look in her eyes showed her she saw right passed her thick walls.

"I'm fine Kate."  Reassuring her concerned look.  "It's good to see you."

Kate cupped Annie's cheek, "You've lost a lot of weight, darling." 

Annie glanced away shielding her eyes so Kate wouldn't see her sadness.  The eyes were the mirror to the soul, they say, and Annie tried to conceal the hurt and pain she knew was present just beneath the surface.  But the facade she forced eventually slipped unconsciously.

Kate's fingers lifted her chin forcing Annie to look up. 

"I know it's not the time but I need to say that I'm sorry for everything."  Annie nodded, understanding what she meant and her gaze trailed behind Kate to the source of her continuous torture.  "Will you not reconsider telling him about the both of you?"

Julien's gaze was fixed on her she realized, wondering how long he had been watching.  Her eyebrows were drawn together as she studied him questioningly.  Julien was sitting with Duncan and Victor and another man she did not know making her wonder where Caitlin was.

His predatory-like eyes seared her skin, making it come alive.  Trailing up and down her body, Annie recognized the desire in his eyes.  Even with his missing memories he seemed like his reaction to her did not change. 

A small blossom of hope slithered its way inside her.

Focusing back on Kate, "No need to be sorry." She said with a tight smile.  "And no, to tell him now—that it impossible, as we both know, he's moved on. Everything happens for a reason." She said not being able to stop the bitterness from showing in her tone. "Perhaps it was meant to be this way."

Maybe they weren't destined to be together, maybe that's why fate ripped them apart. He moved on with someone else. What more of an answer did she need that they possibly weren't meant to be—that small blossom of hope dwindling down again.

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