Chapter 42- Revenge [E]

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"I understand completely....I'll make sure she makes it back safely...."

Julien spoke on the phone to Patrick reassuring him of Annie. He received word that Patrick was investigating the identity of his daughter's auction winner and immediately put him at ease. They talked in detail late last night, revealing the fact his memories re-surfaced and he further explained he was the bidder.

Patrick was pleased if not relieved to find out it was him. The call was to make sure her father understood the necessary arrangements and changes for the auction dinner that evening and the extended plans for the day afterward, if everything played out as he planned.

It was a relief to hear nothing but understanding and acceptance. After informing him about a few other details he had planned for tomorrow the conversation came to a close.

"Thank you again." Julien ended the call satisfied.

Turning around, Julien exhaled deeply, raking a hand through his hair. He approached the master suite watching his duchess sleep soundly. Although she looked exhausted, the rosiness in her cheeks returned and a radiance of peace shoulder her.

He tugged off his tie laying it over his suit jacket gently. Julien perched on the side of the bed caressing the softness her cheek as she lay sleeping peacufully. She signed softly turning into his touch. She had been sleeping for the last two hours. And Julien stayed watching over her as promised.

The covers slipped down revealing the sexy laced bra she wore, her nìpples erect against the soft fabric. It made Julien's mouth water and a rush of need to his arousal as it throbbed uncomfortably against his slacks. 

The wait was the hardest part. It took incredible control to reign in his need. The many nights he laid awake from a heated dream about her and the many nights he ended in the gym working out to release his frustrations.

Julien looked away, hiding his view of her luscious mouth watering body and stood up abruptly heading to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

Stripping down, Julien turned the faucet to cold and stepped in. He stretched his arms up against the wall, bending his head forward letting the water take down the heat of his body. The cold water beat against his hardness, lessening the throb and ache. After a few minutes, he dropped his arms grabbing a loofa and lathering it generously with the soap provided. His muscles relaxed slightly after rinsing the last remains of the soap and shampoo.

Julien listens as the door open sand halted his movements, switching the nob off, the towel he prepared was left hanging on the showers glass door. He quickly wrapped it around his waist and stepped out.
Annie turned to her side and blinked rapidly, awakening from her deep slumber. At first she was confused not recognizing where she was. Then she remembered seeing Julien and talking to him. What appeared to be a dream to her was actually the reality as she scanned her surroundings and did in fact find herself in the suite she met him in and asleep in the bed he insisted she rest in.

Annie stretched her arms above her, the sheet that covered her slipped further down her waist. The room was partially in shadow, a lone lamp across the room was lit on the lowest setting. She turned to the sound of a shower running, the water beating down against the hard tile of the shower. She knew Julien must be in there, he would not leave her, she felt he was close by as she slept. Not knowing how but she sensed him watching her.

Sitting up,  Finally, she thought waking up fully and thinking back to the last few hours feeling like an entirely different person. It was as if a dark cloud that shrouded around her lifted. The life she wanted, the love she desperately missed stood right in the palm of her hands. The broken pieces of her were coming back together.

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