Chapter 15

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Me: Hey Cal.
Calum: Hey
Me: How's Luke
Calum: take a gess
Calum: *guess
Me: that bad???
Calum: worse
Me: ?????
Calum: come see for yourself, were in my basement, my parents are unpacking upstairs.
Me: oh there home?
Calum: Yeah
Me: I'll be right over
My hand tapped against Calum's front door. And to be honest, I was afraid of what I would see. For many reasons. One, I had never met his parents before. And two, Luke. What if he was seriously depressed? How would Calum and I help him? I just don't know...

I knocked on the door. It opened slowly, causing my nervous pacing to stop. "...yeah, uh can I call you back? Ok, ok thanks. Be careful, bye." A women answered the door. She had long black hair and blue eyes. "Can I help you?" "Oh yeah. Uh, I'm Elaine. Cal-" "Oh Elaine." She smiled. "I've heard a ton about you. Come in!" I stepped inside the house. "Calums downstairs. "Uh thanks." I flashed the women a smile and made my way towards the stairs. That women didn't look like Calums mom. She was way to young and like I don't know, it's hard to explain. But she definitely wasn't Calums mom, I am sure of that.

The sound of a phone ringing caught my attention. "Ugh Calum is that your phone?" I put my hands over my ears. Calum looked over towards the stairs. "Yeah, some fan leaked my number and my phone won't stop ringing. Plus the screen froze so I can't silence it. Uh, anyway. Hey?" I smiled "He-"Calum suddenly turned around, "Luke! Bro seriously?" He ran the opposite direction towards the other side of the basement. I followed slowly, scared of what I would see.

Luke sat in the corner. Staring at the wall. He had just finished crying, no sobbing about a minute ago. But seeing him not crying was kinda weird, kinda scary. Because when he wasn't crying he looked emotionless. He just looked done. Nothing more than Done. I slowly lowered myself alongside Calum. Unsure what I should do next. Calums fingers were against his forehead, he didn't know what to do. "Cal?" He looked at me for a second, then at Luke. "Elaine, listen, I'm sorry." I looked into his eyes. "Why?" He put his arm around my shoulder, giving me a warm feeling in my chest. "It's just. I don't know. I haven't been a great boyfriend lately. With Luke and all." I moved my hand through his hair. It felt soft, as usual. I didn't really know how to respond to Calum. I mean, i am a bit upset that he seemed to only have time for Luke lately, but I would never admit that. I would never admit that I had felt lonely the past few weeks. At least I won't admit it to Calum. So I just kept my response simple, "I know Cal, it's ok." He shook his head. "No it's not," He put his hand on my arm, "We need to go on a date." I couldn't help but smile, "what about Luke?" His eyes moved forward, "It's Michaels turn to take care of Luke, so I'm free, say about 7?" My smile widened, "It's a date!"
Hey guys! Ok so I know I haven't updated in a while, but I finally came up with an idea, so here it is! IK that this chapter wasn't the best but IM TRYING PLEASE BEAR WITH ME!!! Also, idk how many people are actually reading this book, so... if you are please give me your advice. Leave comments! I love other people's opinions!!! Also, idk when I'll update again. BUT ILL TRY REALLY HARD TO DO IT SOON OKAY??? Okay so I'll end this note with my average...
I'll see you next chapter (I hope) and,
Emma xxxx

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