Chapter 4

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"Cheater!" My voice was quieter than expected. I guess the smiling kinda ruined the whole angry act I was trying to pull off. I lightly punched Calum's shoulder with my balled fist. But he wasn't looking at me. His voice came out quiet, "Careful!"

I then felt a slight tickle along my left wrist. "Calum what are you-"
"SHHH!" He held a black pen in his hand and was focusing on my wrist. "Done!" He turned over my arm and revealed a small picture on my wrist. C.H., it read and a small lopsided heart underneath it.
"Aww Calum." The picture was slightly crooked to the side. "It's adorable! I love it." He glanced at my wrist. "I know. You're jealous that I created such a masterpiece. But, It's not my fault I'm talented at everything, especially winning video games." He flashed me that sly smirk of his, causing me to blush once again. "About that Calum.... I demand a rematch." He picked up his controller. "You're on!" He slowly laid back against the couch. And I took my own position, head resting on Calum's warm chest. His arm then proceeded to wrap themselves around my neck, connecting to make a triangle shape. My head rested right in the middle of it. The small Xbox controller connecting the end of the odd, but romantic position.

"Michael is here!" Calum's position barely moved as he responded. "Oh hey bro." Michael stood In front of the TV, interrupting our Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle episode that Calum had put on when I got bored at the whole video game thing. Michael waved his hands over his head, "What? No, Hi Michael. love you Michael.-" His voice changed a pitch higher for this one... "Not even a, OMG ITS MICHAEL CLIFFORD!?! AHHHH!" I let out a small laugh as Michael finished that last complaint. Michaels voice however wasn't the only one that I could hear, a small voice was coming from behind him,
"I love you Michael." Nicole. She had responded in a singsong voice. She appeared from behind her boyfriend, but not without flicking his ear first. "Owwwwww!" Mikey whined, but soon after murmurs "Idiot." Nicole spun around on her heels, her black and maroon ombré hair bouncing. "What? Care to repeat that, Mikey?" She asked in a deadly voice. "I... love you?" Michael responded weakly. Putting his arms out and making a sad face. "Forgive me?" Nicole rolled her eyes and accepted the hug. Michael squeezed his eyes shut. "Good Girl." Michael said, his voice muffled by her shirt. "I am not a dog!" She exclaimed, giving him a look that would make pro wrestlers run for mommy. Michael laughed and brought Nicole back into a warm hug.

In the midst of the couple bickering, I hadn't noticed Ashton and Madeline had appeared around the side of the couch, laughing as Ashton shouts "You're so whipped Mike!" And Madeline makes whipping noises at him. "'m...Ugh, you guys! You just ruined our moment!" Michael attempts to protest. But Nicole just rolls her eyes, and the couple turn their attention to the TV screen. He quickly spun around.
"CALUM, OH MY GOD THIS IS MY FAVORITE EPISODE!!" He twisted the other way around, grabbed Nicole's hand and ran to the couch across Calum's basement, pulling Nicole into his lap. I don't know if it was just me, but it seemed like his eyes grew 10x bigger... from saucers to like, dinner plates.

The distant sound of footsteps could be heard, indicating someone was lightly jogging down the steps. Michaels eyes were still glued to the TV as he yelled, "Come Luke! Join the party." I saw the tall boy turn around the corner of the basement, to the room where we all were. He was holding hands with a girl. Must be Emma I thought.
She had super straight, dirty blonde hair, and she was really skinny. Like really tiny, almost as if she had toothpicks as a substitute for bones. And she had a small silver lip ring. Exactly like Luke's. "Hey guys!" Her voice was soft and shy, and Luke gave her the sweetest stare, like she was the only thing that mattered in the world. Calum's voice arose from behind me, "OMG ITS LUKE HEMMINGS!!" Michael glared at Calum, giving him a look that could describe death. "Really Calum?" Calum laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist. He faintly whispered in my ear, "He'll get over it, hopefully." I let a small laugh escape my mouth, slapping my hand over it.

Ashton's giggle could literally be heard from miles away. And he seemed to be a very happy person, almost as if he here on drugs or something. The sound of laughter got stronger as he came over to Calum and I from the chair next to Madeline. He took Calum's hat and put it on his head. "Hey Elaine." Then he turned to Calum, raised his eyebrows and whistled. Madeline laughed and came over. "And I'm Madeline." She flicked Ashton's arm and whispered something in his ear. "Maddie, I wasn't making fun of him-" She rolled her eyes and jumped on Ashton's back. Ashton grasped her legs and gave Calum a wink before returning to his seat across the room. I felt my face burn up with embarrassment. Calum's arm slowly arose as he motioned for me to get up, and he laid himself across the couch. I lowered myself onto him with my legs resting on his. His soft fingers stroking my hair. Luke and Emma had taken seats on the floor, watching the TV, and occasionally giving each other a slight glance. I turned my head to face Calum and whispered, "What are we gonna do?" Calum turned to face me and winked. Still clasping my hand, he sat up. "Anyone up for a movie?" Nicole's bold voice arose from the small whispers around the room as she responded to Calum. That girl was definitely a Michaels type. "Okay. Then while you boys pick out the movie, us girls are gonna go get food and phone chargers from upstairs."

Without any hesitation, she and Emma started to make their way towards the stairs, Madeline on their heels. "Oh and don't be surprised if we don't come back." She winked and followed Nicole. Calum let go of my hand. "Go ahead. They're nicer then they look." I smiled and headed for the kitchen. "Hey Elaine!" It was Madeline. "Hey-." I stopped, not wanting to be to talkative. Nicole was looking through cabinets, "I can't find the popcorn! Calum needs to clean this kitchen!" Emma reached over her shoulder and pointed, "Uhhh Nicole?" She turned around quickly and Emma held the popcorn in her hand. "It was in the pantry..." Nicole face turned a bright red. "Oh. Whoops?" They all laughed, including myself. And I made a decision. These girls were nice, and I liked them.

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