Chapter 27

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"I know- yeah, yeah I know but-" Madeline would barely let me talk. "But-" I just stopped trying, Madeline's voice sounding raspy through the phone. I rolled my eyes. She was ranting about how Michael asked Nicole back out, and she said no. And ugh, they were just so complicated. So drama filled. It was kinda annoying. "Madeline I have to go, sorry-bye!" I hung up the phone before she could protest, and flipped on the news. There they were. "The new hit! 5sos!" I smiled as I saw the boys picture on the TV. They were getting huge. This was it, they weren't that small Australian band anymore. They were the band that would take over the world!
My boys.....Taking over the world
Carter grabbed my hand. "C'mon! Were gonna miss the movie!!!" He sounded like a 5 year old. I laughed. "Carter! What movie are we seeing anyway?" He laughed, "Cinderella." I raised my eyebrows, "Why?" He looked at me, "Duh, it has singing mice!"
Carter put his arm around my shoulders. "Could you at least smile?" I blushed."Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind." Carter hummed along with the music in the movie. "Carter?" He looked at me. "Yeah?" "You're my bestie." He smiled, "Girl, I know!"
I laughed.
Calum rubbed my back, making little circles. "Wow everything just seems, like calm for once. No drama. Nothing." I smiled. "I know, it's kinda weird." He laughed, "Exactly."
I looked into Calum's eyes. Speechless.
"Cal?" "Yeah?" "Can I kiss you?" He smiled, "Since when do you ask permission?" I shrugged and kissed him on the lips.
Sorry about all the filler chapters guys, but the book is ending!!! Anyway I just wanna let you know that these are just filler chapters! This was the last one so, the next chapter will be an actual chapter, and longer, so yay!!!
Anyway see you next chapter (I hope)
xoxo Emma

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