Chapter 16

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"WHAT AM I GONNA WEAR?" I ran my fingers through the ends of my hair. Careful not to mess up the waves that Madeline had done earlier today. I spun my head around at the sound of knocking. Not even bothering to hide the annoyance from my voice. "What?" My sisters smile faded, "Sheesh I was just gonna talk." She smiled again. I shook my head. "Sorry I thought it was Austin." She put her hands on her hips, "Seriously? You know Edmond and Austin have been at boarding school since December. But all of a sudden he shows up at your door. What's really going on?" Ugh. My sister never has time for me, but all of a sudden she cares about me? No, she must want something. And whenever I use an excuse for her to leave me alone, she uses the old, our brothers are not here Elaine give it up. "I'm just getting changed, that's all!" She ran her hand through her hair, "Elaine! Do you have a date?" I locked my jaw, tight. "No." She clapped her hands. "Elaine! You have a boyfriend don't you?" I stood up. "Carrie. Leave." She looked confused, "wh-" "LEAVE!" A tear rolled down my face as I pointed to the door. My sister can't just suddenly care about what's going on in my life. I've known Calum since November. She never cared to ask. "El-" "Carrie, please leave. You never cared about me before, why start now?" She took a deep breath. "Elaine, just because we fight sometimes-" "Wow Carrie. You think that's why I'm upset. Well you're wrong. And I don't have a date I'm just hanging out with a friend. But you just go be the perfect child you know you are. Go brag about your perfect grades, and your boyfriend. And go back to ignoring me like always." "Elaine, I didn't realize-" My voice came out as a whisper, "Leave." She turned towards the door, but stopped. "Elaine, I'm sorry. I, I-" I turned my head away. She took a deep breath, then left. I wiped my eyes, turned back to my pile of dresses, and forced a smile on my face. "So, what should I wear."
Calum put his arm out, "My lady?" I let out a small laugh, and locked my arm with his. "So, my prince, where might we be heading?" He smiled, "Thou princess shall soon find out." I slid my hands over the surface of my lavender dress. Calum had told me to "dress fancy", so I did. My dress was a little above the knees, with black lace on the top. It was Carries when she was younger. Calum was wearing black pants and a white polo shirt, not to fancy. But not to casual either. His finger lifted up my chin, "I like your dress." I could feel my cheeks begin to turn a rosy pink colour. "Cal-" he smiled, "I mean it, you look amazing." I wrapped my hands around his waist, "Thanks Cal." He met my gaze with his eyes and held my hand. "Ready to go." And I simply nodded my head.
Calum's hands covered my eyes. "Ready El?" I nodded my head, and he took his hands away. "Oh my god!" We were at the movie theater, but not just any movie theater. We were at the premiere of the new movie "The Fault In Our Stars." "Cal! How did you-" "I may have been invited by my friend Ansel, or Augustus Waters, as most people may know him as." He but his lip. I jumped and gave him a hug. "You're the best." He laughed, "I know. Ready to go in?" He put his arm in a triangle form, and I put my arm through his. "Ready."

We made our way into the theater. "Omg, it's Calum Hood! Calum how's the band?" "Mr.Hood, who's your friend?" I stepped closer to Calum as the paparazzi flooded our view of the door to the movie. Calum looked down at me and smiled. "Uh, the bands great." He begun to walk forward, with a tightened grip on my arm. "Mr.Hood who's your friend?" Calum smiled again, "My girlfriend." "Did you get that? Ok good." Calum put his arm around my shoulder, led me out of the crowd, and into the door of the actual movie. Calum was blushing a bit. "That's gonna be everywhere by tomorrow." I smiled, "What is?" "The gossip about me and you." I smiled, "Good?" A tall boy approached Calum. "Sup bro?" Calum gave the boy a hug, "Nothin dude." Oh my god, it was Ansel! He looked at me. "Oh hello Elaine. I've heard a ton about you!" Calum blushed again, and Ansel gave me a short hug. "Well I'll see you two after the movie!" He gave a small wave and moved to the front of the theater. "Calum, since when have you been friends with Ansel Elgort?" He grinned, "I don't know, a while?" I intertwined my hand with his, "Ready to watch the movie?" He nodded his head.
I laid my head on Calum's shoulder, and begun to cry. He rubbed my shoulder as the credits rolled down the screen. "That was so sad. And I mean I read the book and everything but-" he gave me a hug. "I know." I wiped my eyes. I looked at Calum as the lights turned on, his eyes were red. "Calum were you crying?" He shook his head, "No, I jus-" I laughed. "Don't try and be cool Cal. Just admit it, you were crying!" He threw his hands in the air, "Well it was sad." We both laughed, and he grabbed my hand. "You're so cute Calum." His cheeks turned pink, "Ya think so?" I ran my fingers through his hair, and began towards the door. Calum's hand in mine, we made our way to his car.

Calum turned around suddenly, and I turned with him. Ansel was standing right behind us. "Where you guys going?" Calum looked confused, "Uh, home?" Ansel rubbed his hands together, "Your gonna miss the after party?" Calum looked at me, then back at Ansel, "Uh-" Ansel looked at me, "C'mon, please?" His he went back to Calum. "Dude your like one of my best friends, you have to come!" Calum put his arm around my shoulder, "Alright. We'll go." Ansel smiled and gave us the address. "Meet you there!" I smiled. "Well Mr.Hood, it seems we have a party to attend." He smiled, "Flirting again Miss.Brock. Flirting again."
Yay they went on a date! And if you ask me I thought it was adorable!!! I made this one pretty long FINALLY! I know most of the other ones were really short, but I'm really gonna try here!!! ANYWAY the party will be in the next chapter, I CANT WAIT TO PUBLISH IT!!!
Anyway see you next chapter (hopefully)
xoxo Emma

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