Chapter 19

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"Carter I'm sorry. I-" he rubbed my back. "It's okay. I'll have another birthday next year. It's no big deal." Today was April 18th, 1 day after Carters birthday. "Carter its just Calum and. And." He hugged me from behind. "Shhh. It's okay!" Calum hasn't waken up yet. And I bet he won't soon. Cause I bet he's not even close.
His body laid there. Pale and helpless. His hair and lips still full of life. I laid my head on his chest. His heartbeat sounding normal. Everything seemed fine. But if everything was fine then he wouldn't be "asleep". He would be here. I lifted up my head and put his hand in mine. His didn't move. I had to wrap his fingers around my hand myself. "Oh Calum. Please just hold my hand. Just move a single finger. Let me know you can hear me. Please. Please Cal." My eyes filled with tears. "Calum please! CALUM!"

I turned my head away calming myself down. "Okay. Calum I need you to wake up. Like need you to. Because-" I paused not sure if I should tell him yet.

Ugh I don't even know if Calum could hear me. Sadness welled up inside me. Should I tell him the news? No one knew but me. But what if he can't hear me? Then I would have to tell him again later. I mean. Maybe I should just wait. His fingers untwined from mine, nothing holding them in place. "Calum, if you can hear me, move your hand. Calum, just move a single finger." I locked my eyes on his hand. Minutes passed. Nothing. "Calum, I really wish you could hear me. I have huge news. And it's really hard not to tell anyone. I want you to know first." I saw a flash of movement.

"Calum did you just move? Is it just me or did you move? C'mon Cal, move again!" I was probably imagining it. I wanted him to move so bad. I wanted to tell him. Everything I had been keeping from the world for days. "Cal?" His hand stayed motionless.

The nurse came in 10 minutes later. "Excuse me? Honey, I'm sorry but you have to leave soon. Visiting closes in 6 minutes." I half smiled. "I'll be out by then, thank you." She smiled and left Calum and I alone. "Calum I have to leave. Goodbye." I gave his hand one last squeeze and headed towards the door. I turned around suddenly, and spoke quick, "I love you Cal." I left without another glance,
Missing the very slight movement of his small index finger.
OKAY so I have not been updating AND I AM SORRY!!! Forgive me. Anyway I have huge news that's going to change everything. BUT idk if I should wait or put it in the next chapter. SO I was wondering ( if anyone is reading this)

PLEASE comment if you want me to put it in the next chapter. Or if you think I should wait a little! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE vote! My goal for this chapter is 3! Only 3 votes!!! PLEASE and don't forget to comment.
Anyway see you next chapter (I hope)
xoxo Emma

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