Sister of Chaos

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Izuku and Himiko began walking down the halls of the unknown corridors with it looking abandoned. "Hey Himiko. How long have you lived here?"

"A long time." This comment didn't sit right with Izuku as he continued to see no signs of light outside the torches. "So what are you doing here? Strange to see someone come here, much less a man."

"I was taking a ride on my pet dragon sparks-"

"You have a dragon!?" The blond girl cut Izuku off while getting extremely too close for comfort. "What does his scales feel like? I bet they're super warm and tough."

"A-actually they are kinda. I hatched him from an egg a little while ago. Hard to believe something so small is now big enough for me to ride in a matter of a few months."

"Wait till that dragon gets to adulthood. He could probably eat you and not call you a snack."

"That's an unsettling thought." Izuku looked down to see two rather sharp fangs poking out of Himiko's mouth. "Quite a sharp set of canines you have."

"Thank you."

'That wasn't really a complement, but ok.' The two continued to walk down the hall with a bad feeling continuing to grow larger inside Izuku. "Hey Himiko, why do you live here instead of down in one of the villages for the amazons?"

"You don't like my home?" She gave a bit of a sad expression a bit.

"I-it's not that. I was just thinking it's weird for someone to live down here. Don't you get lonely?"

They arrived at a large door where Himiko pulled Izuku inside. The room was rather dark however with a flash from Himiko's yellow eyes, several large crystals around the room started to glow a muted purple color allowing some light into the room. In the center was a stone sarcophagus with ancient infernal wording on the front of it, appearing to be written in blood. "You're right Izuku. It is lonely here. I'd rather not be here alone anymore." The blond began to move her face close to Izuku's. "If possible, I'd like someone to help me 'cope' with the loneliness."

"I-I-I don't know what you mean." Izuku tried to keep calm and avoid any dangerous incidents from happening.

"Oh, but you know what I mean. You've given plenty of my amazonian sisters the gift of motherhood." Her mouth came close to Izuku's ear to whisper in it. "Maybe you can help me cope with my loneliness by allowing me to have that same gift." She blew into Izuku's ear for his body to become tense.

'Focus Izuku. Don't let your hormones win.' He tried to move away from Himiko, ducking under her arms and walked backwards into the room a bit. "I-I'm sorry to disappoint Himiko, but I'm not that type of pervert to just sleep around. Y-you do seem like a nice girl and I wanna help you, b-but could we think of something elAH!" Izuku fell back into the stone sarcophagus in the center of the room, the smell of iron was prominent in it. 'That smells like blood.' He thinks to himself lifting his hand up and seeing it stained with the dried bodily substance.

"IZUKU! GET OUT OF THERE NOW!" The sound of Nana's voice was heard with Himiko seemingly disappearing into the dark shadows of the room.

"What's going on!?" As he lunches out of the stone coffin he notices the words written in blood on the front. "The Resting place of The Night Sister." "Vampire." He immediately says feeling some eerily cold mist surround him.

"You know what I am now. I'm not gonna hurt you my Zuzu. I don't care what that dusty old windbag says. I have a better idea. Let's get some of that baby juice of yours into me." She giggles in a crazed manor as she manifests from the mist in front of him, naked as the day she was born. Her pale white skin appears as if she has never been touched by the sun, however her body is the most endowed out of all the younger amazons he has been with. Conflicting messages were being sent to Izuku's brain, his fear telling him to get the hell out of there then his dick telling him to fuck the brains out of the vampire lady. He chose to go with his brain on this one as he activates his gifted quirk and blitzes past her towards the exit of the room.

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