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As Izuku and everyone gained some much needed rest, Miruko decided to return to the underground temple thanks to Mandalay and Pixie Bob finding something she'd want to see. Walking into the giant cave, she noticed the remains of the battle had finished being cleaned up as well as the riches inside were cleared for the most part.

"Miruko! Over here!" Pixie Bob shouted for her leader's attention for her to walk up the steps of the strange temple inside.

Once there, she was met by Midnight, Ryukyu, Ragdoll and Yu as well. "So what did you find?"

"After clearing out the gold and the body of the dragon as well as the stalactite that had strong minerals inside, we started to study the work done on this temple. Such as it's main form of creation, the type of stone used and how it was carved, as well as the-"

"Get to the point Shino. I'm not here for a history lesson."

The red colored cat girl cleared her throat while getting to what she found out. "This place was made through our own form of stonecarving and innovation. To put it simply, our ancestors had to be the ones to make this temple."

"I could've told you that. There's only a few that actually could've done this and that list doesn't even have more than the five fingers on my hand." Miruko then looked and saw this isn't the end of what Mandalay had to say. "What else though?"

"This." Mandalay pushed a statue that seemed to be able to move easily out of the way. Everyone walked into the secret room with Yu making a torch. "This room was made from what I can tell by the stone structure before the rest of the temple. Whatever is in here is definitely something our ancestors wanted to keep hidden for some reason." As they continued inside, a dark and chilling feel was upon them. It was as if the life in their soul was being suffocated by some form of deep eternal darkness that was almost endless.

"This place gives me the creeps."

"I know the feeling Yu. I don't wanna be here either."

"You'd rather be cuddling Izuku, wouldn't you Nemuri?"

"Don't give me that Pixie Bob! You're the one that wants to have a night with him like I did!"

"Will you all shut up! Right now isn't the time for this bull crap! I have the feeling we're being watched..." Miruko said with everyone now having the sensation of eyes on them.

They finally reached the end of the long and almost endless hallway for Yu to find some holsters for torches. "Sweet!" She lit the torches causing a giant wave of fire to crawl around and light up the room. The women looked at their blond friend who held her hands in a defensive position. "I swear that I had no idea that would happen."

They continued in with Ryukyu finding a shelf full of books. "What do we have here?" She looked through the book to find that it was about their island as well as the history behind it and the dark evil that plagues it. As she read through the book the others with her explored the room.

As they looked through, Ragdoll noticed something about one of the nine painted figures that were inside the room. "Isn't this the same dragon that Izuku just killed not that long ago?"

"Can't be." Pixie Bob looked over to the painting for her green haired friend to point at the eye.

"It's missing an eye like the dragon before and it's even the same species as from what I saw."

"Uh you all seeing this?" Mandalay asks, holding a torch towards the darker part of the room.

Along a pathway to a bloodstained altar, 9 pedestals sat across from each other, four to one side of the hall and the other five to the other. Each pedestal carved from the obsidian created by the volcano. One of them was crumbled and the object that was sitting on it was shattered, the only recognisable thing left was a batlike wing. Near the shattered one was a strange amorphous being sat atop the obsidian pedestal, 5 heads leered away from a grotesque body. Six heads in the shape of clawed hands with split vertical mouths running along the center of the palms and the center head that of a human man, it's hair decayed and stale and another fleshy hand covering its face aside from its mouth. As they bring the torch closer the statue turns and looks at them causing the amazons to freeze and for two of them to draw their weapons.

Izuku the Amazon KingWhere stories live. Discover now