Deserved Rest

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As the group began to calm down and reconnect towards the beast, Moe and Aiba were reminded of their two amazon sisters that were part of their group. Facing the realization that they are most likely gone as well as Mineta who Aizawa and Izuku were reminded of, they were prepared to start heading home to state the end to Miruko. Before Izuku could get off the False Hydra however, something began moving in it's stomach. "What the?" There were a set of motions done very peculiarly for the green haired boy to panic. "AIBA! GIVE ME SOMETHING TO CUT THIS THING OPEN!"

The small woman tossed one of her blades for Izuku to cut a gash large enough for a person to come through in the monster's stomach. As he did, three people came out. One was a woman with blue hair and a lighter blue skin pigment. The other was a light blue hair and a smaller frame. The second they hit the ground, they jumped up and shouted in triumph. "WE'RE ALIVE!" They stood in front of Izuku who immediately fainted. Turning to see what happened, everyone saw the two women both covered in mucus and blood while also naked with some burns on them.

"Hey! You're both alive!" Moe walked over somewhat relieved her fellow amazon sisters were still going strong.

"Sirius! Kaoruko! You're ok!" Aiba ran over for both women to smile.


"Yeah. We're lucky we weren't the first things this monster ate and something else came to stand on."

Everyone looked over from Sirius's comment to see Mineta on the ground naked with burns on him. "Worth it. I got to feel some sexy feet on me and see two hot babes naked. I can die happily."

"Easy there Mineta. Don't write yourself off yet. I'm still in charge of you." Aizawa tossed a rag for him to cover himself with while SIrius walked over to squat down and poke Izuku's cheek.

"So I'm guessing our saviour is this guy?" Looking down, the fish eared woman noticed Izuku's build as well as his baby face. 'He's so cute with this baby face. But then again, his body doesn't match it.'

"Yeah. Izuku was able to stop that thing by stabbing it's heart out." Moe went over to the monster's head to make sure it wasn't breathing anymore before having a strange light come off it. "What the hell?" The light went towards Izuku for him to glow before it dimmed down to nothing.

"Does this normally happen?" Aizawa asked for everyone to shrug their shoulders. "Figures."

"Well, our job here is done. Now we can go home and-" Moe stopped when a sharp pain of a memory came into her head. "What the!?" One by one, each of the amazons felt a similar pain and an image come into their minds of a man that held similarities to them.

"Who' god, no." Tears started to fall down Saiko's cheeks remembering something she didn't even realize she forgot. "Da...daddy."

"What's happening!? Is everyone alright!?" Aizawa asked for him to look over and see Minami shaking her head in denial. "What are you seeing!?"

Moe finally regained her composure a bit to speak. "Izuku *pant* Izuku wasn't the first man to be accepted on this island. Not by a long shot."

The next morning

Izuku started to wake up feeling very exhausted with a piece of cotton shoved up his nostril. "The heck just happened?"

"You blacked out after seeing my girls naked." Izuku turned to see Moe naked next to him lounging in the bed with nothing to cover herself. "Glad to see you're up and about."

"AH!" He jumped back before falling head first onto the floor.

"Sorry about that. I was only trying to explain what happened."

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