Earning Trust

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The trek through the undergrowth was long and strenuous. Izuku was given a rudimentary machete as he carved the way in front of the girls who directed him through the path. Fallen trees, carnivorous plants and swarms of mosquitoes blocked their way as he slowly trekked through the jungle. He notices that a few of the girls were hesitant around the mosquitoes and came up with an idea. "You get sick from those don't you?" He asks when Kyoka swats a mosquito away from her. "We call it Fever Malar, the mosquitoes carry the sickness and it can be deadly." Kyoka responds coldly before Izuku stops walking forwards, he takes a step off the path towards a fallen tree. "What are you doing fool!? You'll perish in the jungle!" Momo scolds seeing him hack off a branch from the tree and wrap some of the foliage around the top with a vine. "These plants have an oil that, when burned, is poisonous to mosquitoes. Anyone have a piece of flint or... nevermind I got it." Izuku explains pulling some of the leaves from a nearby plant before finding a broken arrow head on the ground. He rips off one of the metal buttons on his pants before striking it on the flint creating a small spark. He sparks the bundle a couple of times before it ignites and starts to smoke from the leaves. He hands the smoke torch to Kyoka who looks at him like he has a third head. "Those are citronella plants, the oils kill mosquitoes when they're burned. It will help prevent you from catching Malaria which is what the disease is named where I live." Izuku explains as Kyoka moves the smoke towards a small swarm before all the bugs fall to the floor. "He stopped everything just because he was worried about me getting sick from the mosquitoes." She thinks to herself.

That act of kindness didn't go unnoticed, the plants seemed to move on their own out of the way exposing the path to the wayshrine. Izuku looks at the girls before shrugging and walking forwards following a now cleared mud brick path. The girls were shocked seeing the jungle react like this, they knew that their goddess controlled everything that happened on the island but seeing her aid a man of all things was astonishing. They quickened their pace to catch up to Izuku who was walking briskly ahead of them. An hour or so later they had stopped for a break, all of them were sweating profusely and were starting to get hungry. The pink skinned woman broke from the group to start looking for berries while Toru and Kyoka loaded blow guns and started scanning the tree line and forest floor for wildlife. Izuku watched and studied their tactics of hunting as they effortlessly took down a large boar with a single dart. Mina soon returned later with a small basket full of purple berries. "I found a good amount of these." She says before popping one in her mouth. Izuku sees and instantly recognises the berries as poisonous but isn't able to form the words in his mouth to stop her from swallowing the berries. "NO! THOSE ARE IVY BERRIES THEY'RE POISONOUS!!!" Izuku screams, catching the girl's attention, Mina's eyes widen in shock seeing him rush over to her. She clutches her neck starting to choke from the poison response to the berries. Izuku rushes behind her and grabs her under the sternum trying to get her to cough up the berries through the heimlich maneuver.

The other girls have no idea what's going on and almost stop him from doing so pulling their spears but stop when Mina vomits up some of the berries she ate. That doesn't stop the response however, her face starts to swell and her eyes roll back into her head as she passes out. "That's an allergic reaction to the berries, I know this will look bad but I know how to save her." Izuku quickly says laying her down on the path. He tears open the leopard skin tunic she was wearing on her chest to free her breathing before placing both hands over her heart and starting to press down on her. He moves over to her mouth before opening it and pinching her nose. He places his own mouth over her face breathing into her mouth trying to get her to breathe. The girls stand there watching this happen for a few moments not knowing what to do. "Quickly! Give me my bag!" He shouts causing Momo to throw it over to him. He quickly rifles through the bag before finding his epididymal pen, "God I hope this works." He thinks as he takes off the cover on the needle and sticks her in the leg with it. He presses the trigger injecting the medicine into her before removing it and shoving it back into his bag. "Come on, come on!" He says resuming CPR on her. Mina suddenly gasps before turning over and vomiting the rest of the berries she had consumed onto the forest floor and coughing violently. "Thank goodness you're okay." Izuku says before looking down causing his face to turn bright red. "S-sorry about your tunic." He says stuttering and averting his eyes. "I-It's fine... thank you." She says before grabbing both ends and tying it into a makeshift bikini top. "Mina you know never to eat the berries before we know it's not poisonous! You could have died!" Ochako shouts, scolding her.

Izuku the Amazon KingWhere stories live. Discover now