Cold Hearted

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Izuku tried to attack the Wendigo with punches and kicks. However, this did hardly anything as the monstrous beast evaded and punched Izuku into another tree. "You...Weak....Die!"

Izuku saw the monster attack again for him to jump over and aim his arm with Black Whip coming out of his hand and binding the Wendigo. 'I need to find out what happened at the village. Who were they after? Are the amazons ok? What about my classmates? No. I can't focus on them right now. It's mean, but my priority right now is the enemy in front of me.' Izuku used the forward momentum of pulling the whips holding the monster to come barreling towards it with OFA infused in his feet. "TAKE THIS!" At the last second, Izuku let go of Black Whip for the full blunt of his attack to hit the Wendigo and send it flying into a couple of rocks, trees and a hill before stopping. "Did that do it?" The silence between both was deafening until the hands of the enormous monster pulled itself out of the indent in the land and let out a bone chilling shout. "Of course it didn't do the job."

"You...stronger....Me...stronger still..."

"STOP TALKING SO BROKEN UP LIKE THAT! IT'S CREEPY ENOUGH I'M FIGHTING SOMETHING LIKE YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE, I DON'T NEED TO ADD MORE CREEP FACTOR TO IT!" The Wendigo charged Izuku for Danger Sense to activate for him and dodge the attack. This didn't end the assault of the beast however as it went to slash Izuku with his other hand and narrowly do the trick if he didn't put up Air Bubble. The blunt force though pushed him back and into a couple of trees before the quirk timed out and released Izuku from his protective barrier. "This thing is good. Not only that, but this cold isn't helping either.

"You no hide!"

"Not getting any less creepy. Great. Now how am I gonna beat this guy?" Feeling a bit of pain in his side, Izuku placed his hand on it to remember taking the Oni mask with him. Pulling it out, the green haired boy glanced at the mask curious what to do before getting an idea. "If this thing wants to act cold, then let's make things hot."

The Wendigo stormed through the forest with hopes to find Izuku while making shrieking sounds. It was using it's sense of smell to follow it's target and come directly in front of a clearing. It sniffed around to be disgusted by the odor of animal waste before seeing Izuku's clothes in the center of the area. Walking to it, the Wendigo sniffed them and sniffed around to have next to no luck finding Izuku. "Where..."

"Behind you, deer man." several dead trees were thrown on top of the Wendigo to bind it to the ground. When there was enough that only it's head was present, Izuku came out from the side of a tree on a trunk covered in the ground's mud. "So I had two problems to deal with while facing you. The first was the fact you're a predator hunting me down. That nose of yours was without a doubt a problem. However, this area you're in is a little special. Most animals use this as an area to go in as well as most runoff from the area comes directly into this area due to how the landscape is. As such, your sense of smell would be hindered. Now I could've gone without covering myself without my clothes on, but there's another reason to this spot that you can thank your poison spitting friend for." Izuku held a bit of a grossed out look remembering that he had to cover himself in the waste around them to throw off the creature's sense of smell. "This was an area covered by that undead thing's power. As such, there's still a lot of dead trees here. And thanks to Sparks, I found out what is lingering inside the waste you're in from that poisonous gas is combustible." Izuku placed the Oni mask on with a neutral look on his face. "Before I kill you though, I want answers. What was your plan with isolating me as well as what was the goal of attacking the village?"

The Wendigo laughed at this before looking at Izuku with it's cold dead eyes. "Kill me...No difference...we once...more...Plan is...inevitable..."

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