The Invisible Monster

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Aizawa and the three explained the situation to Miruko with the teacher explaining he has no recollection of anyone named Mineta on the trip they were taking before even being on the island, much less on his student roster to begin with. Thinking this wasn't the first, Moe and Minabi joined the group to explain what happened the night prior in regards to the arrows.

"So that's three in total we can guarantee. The problem right now is, are they the only victims or are there more."

"Not only that, but Izuku isn't at full strength after the fight with the Pit Fiend the other day. Even if Recovery Girl were to do a healing session this evening, it would only put him at about 80% max if we're lucky."

"You're right. This is difficult." The group tried weightning their odds with what would be arguably the best course of action they could take with Aizawa raising his hand.

"Maybe I can help lower the problem a bit." Everyone looked at him for the scruffy looking man to hold a case he was carrying out for all to see. "You see, I was what you'd call, a special ops member of the army before I reverted to grading papers for a living." He opened the case up to start putting something together for everyone to hear clicks and the tapping of metal. When he stood up, he presented an M82A1 assault rifle in his hands.

"So what were you, a member of the army or something?"

"Ex Special Air Service, Special Military forces. The warriors you have and I are no different aside from the weapons I was trained with. I'm the best marksman ever to be in the SAS, my codename was Eraserhead. I think you can guess why, and one of the best in the British armed forces you can be. Give me a target and I'll hit it over ten kilometers away. Thanks to my skills, this gave me the title and they were willing to revoke the limit to my term when three years came."

"So you're more than just some crappy looking teacher." Moe looked at Aizawa as he fit a cartridge in the slot for the weapon.

"Oh I am more than a teacher alright. But I love my job grading papers and don't care if I have to go after a monster to keep that."

"Okaaaay. Didn't expect you to be a total badass sir."

"Trust me when I say you should learn from the adults, sometimes Midoriya." He lugged the gun on his back before walking out. "Alright kid, you're leading me to this thing so I can put a bullet between its eyes."

"Hold it." Miruko stopped the two to explain the situation to them. "You're free to join, but I can't have you walk around the island without an escort. Men are still not so welcomed on this island and one carrying a weapon meant to kill isn't going to help us." The rabbit amazon looked at the group beside her. "Burnin. La Brava. You and Intelli's group will be watching them."

"Yes ma'am." Both answered before going to get Saiko and her group together.

"Ok, so where should we start looking then?" Izuku questioned.

"From my point of view, a good spot for the False Hydra to be is somewhere we don't go to often. The old ruins of Shimura. Before we became tribes and lady Shimura was still mortal, this was said to be her residence. It's abandoned now due to there being a legend of an invisible monster living there, so I'd suggest starting there first."

"Understood. Thank you." Both Aizawa and Izuku bowed before heading out of the residence and getting Izuku healed enough to fight relatively well.

Later that evening

Izuku, Aizawa, Moe, Minabi and Saiko began walking out towards the ruins with most of Izuku's injuries being healed thanks to Recovery Girl. On his shoulder, Mei gave him the best sword she had in order to fight. "You know you didn't have to come, sir. I would've been able to face this thing on my own with the help of the amazons like I always do."

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