The Immortal Sister

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"Ok. So before we get into Eri, what did you mean by how I can 'save' the woman that literally tried to jump on my dingleberries to get a baby?"

"Uhh...." Nana was confused by the phrase before Izuku emphasized what he was meaning.

"Sorry. How do I save her."

"Before this, I'd like you to know how she became a Plague. This happened long ago. Back when I was alive and we began to settle on this island, Himiko was a member of my amazon tribe. She was a curious one that also never intended anyone harm. The evening prior to her turning, we found a corpse of a woman with long teeth mummified as if her body was meant to be preserved. We didn't know what the woman was specifically but, when the sun had shone on it, it turned the mummy to ash before we could even comprehend it. In her coffin however, the infernal words the Lich spoke showed themselves."

"What did they say?" Izuku asked Nana to present floating words.

'Tmy paflziulw wmas aly zmy easyr za talzrad zmy luqmz'

"When Himiko read it, the words came to something along the line of 'The mountains show one the power to control the night'. As such, Himiko remembered the mountain where we found the mummified corpse to walk up there. Hoping to find something to help us, she did as the coffin said and looked into the crypt. I do not believe greed or lust for power was involved in this. I think it was more curiosity and hopes to help our tribe that drove her to enter the lair of the vampire. As she entered, she was drawn to a specific destination. When she entered the lair itself, a strange stone began glowing as she went to inspect it. She had no idea what it was and picked up the object. The problem was, this was a trap set out specifically for her. As such, Himiko's body began to alter with her soul being trapped in this stone. In this moment, little Himi transformed into the new Plague of Chaos. In short, a new vampire."

"So she was turned into a vampire by means of being tricked."

"Sadly." Nana gave a sigh before continuing. "I don't know how, but I believe this stone helps keep her in check since Himiko wasn't originally a Plague."

Izuku thought about this before asking a serious question. "Where is the stone now?"

"Around Himi's neck as a necklace. She hides it between her breasts in order to prevent it from being shown."

"So if I destroy the stone, will that save Himiko?"

"Possibly. I'm not fond of someone killing her, but you may have to." Izuku felt guilty hearing this before the goddess changed the subject. "Back to the matter of Eri. Her quirk is rather...unique to say."

"In what regard?"

"If used, she can rewind someone back in time to a preexisting state. Because a quirk like this is made, the Lich will desire it and want it for himself. Be prepared to protect her at all costs."

The area started to alter and warp for a bright light to shine. "Wait! How do I stop Himiko if that doesn't work!?"

Back to reality

Izuku immediately woke up to sit up and notice he was sleeping with the girls in his and Ibara's group on top of him. Looking outside, he noticed it was dusk out. 'I guess I should get ready for a possible attack by Himiko.' The OFA user pulled his body out of the pile he was on before slowly heading outside. 'So how do I get the stone off of Himiko? Lady Nana said that it was between her brea-' Izuku stopped when he realized to get to the stone, he'd have to stick his hand between the vampire woman's chest. 'I CAN'T DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT! IT'S VIOLATING EVERYTHING I HAVE FOR RESPECT TOWARDS WOMEN!' Before panicking more, the green haired boy felt the need to use a tree. "I need to go to the bathroom first." Walking out, Izuku didn't notice the shadow behind him following and giggling.

Izuku the Amazon KingWhere stories live. Discover now