Dragon Rias Gremory x Male Reader

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EmperorJirachi: Hello everyone! It's been awhile since the last chapter of this book, and for that I am sorry.

Weiss: Pouts. You should be...

EmperorJirachi: Weiss, you know I've had a lot of trouble with this story. It's been a bit of a struggle to find any ideas.

Weiss: Sure, that's your excuse. It's not because you've been hanging out with those two hero girls from Class 1-A while you write Heroes of the Omniverse.

EmperorJirachi: Sighs. Oh boy. I should have guessed she'd start getting jealous... Looks at the readers. Sorry about her, guys. She's just a bit mad. I hope you all enjoy this admittedly short chapter. I hope to have another soon, but I'm not sure when. For now, enjoy!

Maturity Warning: This part contains some mature content. There is no graphic content, this is not a lemon and there are no sex scenes. But there are some themes in this part that could be classified as "mature". Viewer disgression is advised.

Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool DxD. Any characters or settings used or mentioned in this story are not mine.

(Story Begins!)

A young man with shaggy (H/C) and deep (E/C) eyes cautiously made his way through the woods. In his hands, he held a small dagger with holy runes carved into the blade's hilt. He had a look of determination on his face as he continued to traverse the forest.

This young man was Y/N L/N, and he was a monster hunter. He had been hunting monsters of all sorts since he had turned eleven. His eleventh birthday had been the day that his hometown was destroyed by a Lindworm; a type of dragon known for hording treasures and stealing from their surroundings.

The Lindworm that had attacked Y/N's home had not only destroyed where he lived, but also killed his entire family. Why? Because his father had attempted to fight it, and as punishment he was forced to watch his family die before him before dying himself.

The only reason Y/N lived that day was because his mother had managed to sneak him away into the nearby forest, telling him to run and never return.

Now here he was at the age of nineteen, alone and miserable. He hunted monsters to survive and also to get retribution for what had happened to him. And this day was no different, except that he couldn't find anything.

Y/N: Sighs. Man, I hope I didn't kill them all. I do need to eat something...

As if on cue, he heard a rustling noise in the bushes. The young man tensed instinctively, clutching his dagger and waiting for whatever may happen.

Then, to his surprise, a large bipedal serpentine creature with two large wings on it's back revealed itself. Y/N gasped in shock, recognizing this as a Wyvern, another type of dragon.

Y/N: -Mentally- Damn... I didn't realize there were dragons in this part of the woods. I should probably just try and get away... there's no way I can take that thing the way I am now.

Y/N then turned to walk away, hoping that the dragon hadn't noticed his presence. Unfortunately for him, it did. The creature swung it's tail and used it to bind the young man. Y/N struggled helplessly against the dragon, knowing that he was likely going to die. To his surprise, the Wyvern started telepathically talking to him.

Wyvern: Speak your name, peasant.

Y/N: I am Y/N L/N. What do you want from me?

Wyvern: Hm... You look familiar. Yes... You remind me of a human that my cousin once described. Odd though, Issei said that he killed that human...

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