Chapter Eleven: Confessions

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Day five planet-side passed in a blur of physical exhaustion. There was rehearsal for two group numbers, one large and one small, as well as my own solo routine. Amber was in a tizzy. She had already been told that she was hosting the Commander tomorrow night so everything needed to be spectacular. The boys were also given their own routine to run, in case the Commander was inclined a different way. 

Most species were bi-pedal, carbon based, oxygen breathing, two sexes, creatures. There were a few species out there that were different, like the Alooians who all had both sexual organs and were sort of tall grey androgenous humanoids, but evolution worked mostly the same as it had on Earth. 

During a quick break, in which I was choking down a nourishment smoothie, Graham had collapsed beside me and complained about how much pain he was in and why hadn't I told him about the amount of work that I put into earning money for the ceremony. I gave him the rest of my smoothie and a pat on the shoulder. When he got back up to learn the second half of the boy's routine, I slapped his ass for good measure.

The three Waseatryns stayed away for the night. Perhaps they also had to get ready for the Commander. Everyone pitched in to clean and make sure the place was spotless. Graham and I both collapsed onto the bed at the end of our shift.

"So, about this morning," Graham said. I turned my head to look at him but he stayed facing the ceiling. I turned back to stare at the white horizontal boards above us. I waited for Graham to finish his thought.

"Was it okay?" Graham asked. I reviewed the morning in my mind and tried to think about what maybe wasn't okay.

"Didn't I tell you not to worry about the cuddling?" I asked. I popped my knuckles nervously.

"You did but, should I sleep on the floor or something?" Graham asked.

That was a ridiculous suggestion. "That's dumb," I paused. "We're sharing a bed. We've been making out and cuddling for a few days now. It was bound to happen sometime."

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable," Graham said. I held back a snort. I held back a 'That's impossible, I'm uncomfortable all the time.' 

"I'm your handler, I'm your partner, but neither of us are great communicators, and I just need to check," Graham said. I actually thought that Graham was an okay communicator. He was blunt, honest, right-to-the-point. I mean, sometimes the bluntness didn't account for my feelings but I kind of needed that reality check sometimes.

"I'm exhausted," I said honestly. "I've been in a low key panic since I read through the first transcript from the bug."

"You're still holding back," Graham said.

"Yeah, but you're fine, none of the bad stuff has anything to do with you," I said.

"Okay, you take the bathroom first," Graham conceded. Back in bed, both of us showered and dressed, I gave Graham's hand a soft squeeze. He squeezed back.

We woke up on our own sides of the bed. Today was the big day. The. Big. Day. I took a deep breath.


"What do we do with this one?" One of three aliens asked. My vision went in and out. I was drugged. My vision was doing a slow rave thing. 

Flash, three purply-blue aliens. Dark. Nothing. 

Flash, one alien had blue fur surrounding his human face. The fur and skin was broken up by a scar running from the center of his forehead, down his nose, and across his right cheek. Dark. Nothing. 

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