Chapter Thirty-Three: Kuzzon Catches On

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We didn't even go back base. We had a quick resupply and were just sent on to the planet with a slaver problem. The planet Singajori was completely covered with water except for a few mountains that rose up from the seas. The Jori people had crafted these mountains into high-tech Venice-like metropolitans. We were all hoping not to have an issue with the water on this mission. Danyl did not feel great about his water taxi skills.

"I have eyes on Kuzzon's team. Undercover, sitting at different tables outside the tea shop. Second male is shopping at the bazaar about a click down the block. I do not see the Prince," I summarized into the com for my team. I was up high on a rooftop again. The planet's sun was beating down on my back so much so that I was sweating under the tech-mask.

"Anyone have eyes on my brother?" Ben asked.

"Negative," Grey said.

"Nope," Poku responded.

"No, sir," Danyl said. I started to scan rooftops in case he had taken a position similar to mine.

"I don't see him in a roost," I sighed.

"We'll continue with the mission regardless of if we run into him or not," Ben commanded softly and I changed my view to watch him approach what we assumed was a sex slave club and smuggling ring situated on an inlet island of sorts. He gave the password to the guard. I made another scan. One of Kuzzon's girls was texting on her com. I zoomed in to see if I could read the...Waseatryn characters. I took a snapshot with my eye and focused out again. Grey made his approach and got into the club no problem. I started translating the text. Prince, B in club, G approaching. Waiting for instructions.

"You can see that far? Your vision must be extraordinary." I didn't jump but it was a near thing. Also, apparently, I had been translating aloud. Oops.

"Good evening Prince Kuzzon, how are you doing today?" I greeted him but didn't turn to face him.

I typed a message into my com. Prince K with me. Sniper support might be iffy. Sorry.

"I'd better if you weren't hiding on rooftops from me," Kuzzon sighed. "It's tedious to get on these things and look for you."

"I don't have any information about that human you're trying to stalk," I lied.

"I'm not here about Penny, I'm here about you," he said. I wanted to rub my eyes and groan. I hated that answer and that the Penny ID was burned, and since I couldn't rub my eyes through the tech-mask, I settled for sighing.

"Why? Just why?" There was movement below. One of Kuzzon's team finished her tea and was exiting the shop.

"P, moemant from deerl wast haeegad," I said into my com. Poku, movement from girl headed west.

"G, 10-4, eegeesa eef you naad beeccup K weeth,'' was Poku's response. Guinevere, received and acknowledged. Advise if you need backup with K.

"What language was that?" Kuzzon asked. He hadn't moved since his arrival on the roof. He remained standing over me while I laid on my stomach to remain unseen and keep my rifle positioned.

"What do you want, Prince Kuzzon?" I asked.

"Why do you always wear a mask?" he asked.

"I like not being known, plus there are some added air filtration benefits," I sort of lied.

"I was thinking it was because you're human and you don't want me knowing that you have ties to the girl I'm looking for," Kuzzon guessed. I chewed on my bottom lip. I glanced over my shoulder at him. His posture was relaxed. His hands were the pockets of his pants and the setting sun was making his hair shine like the stars that were on the other side of the horizon.

"Yeah, uh," I didn't know what to say or how to play this at all.

"Could use a little help," came in over the coms. It was Ben. I quickly readjusted back into position. Ben and Grey were fighting Kuzzon's team in the street below. The slaver was tied up and knocked out, lying in on the pavers.

I took aim at the Waseatryn-looking girl, who was fighting with Grey. I snapped off a warning shot at her feet.

"I thought you were handling the sniper!" Came an angry growl from Kuzzon's com.

"I am. She's not going to kill anyone," Kuzzon replied. I took aim and clipped the girl's shoulder. She fell to the ground. Grey hauled the slaver over his shoulder and ran off to the extraction point.

Kuzzon forced me all the way to the ground with a knee to my back. "Really?" He asked, leaning into my ear.

"You were right," I hissed. "I didn't kill her." I took my rifle by the barrel. Still too hot from the shots. It burned my palm but I rammed it into Kuzzon's head.

"Fuck," he cussed and fell back. I quickly rolled and used both feet to kick him back further. I swung the rifle over my shoulder, grabbed the carrying bag, and looped it over a pipe that went over to the next building. I was less careful in my quick getaway than I should've been. I didn't brace enough for body wait and the strain pulled at my shoulder as I ziplined across the water. Once on the second story of the building over, I quickly zipped my rifle up into its case and glanced back. Kuzzon was glaring at me. His green eyes were now steel in the dark. I may have pushed a little too much this time. 

I ran across a few more decks before going down another level. I took a balcony door into some sort of restaurant and then the stairs down to the street. I would need to go to medical when I made it back to the ship. I had definitely torn a muscle in my shoulder and my palm was pretty seared.

"Guinevere are you on your way to the extraction point?" Danyl asked.

"Extraction point two," I answered. There was no way I was going to make it to the ship but they could drop me a line and pull in from an abandoned port.

"So, I'm in a lot of pain," I said once I was pulled into the small ship. "Anyone else?"

"Me," Poku said. I looked over. He had a broken nose and black eye. Ben's occipital was cut open and leaking slowly.

"We'll debrief at the next cycle, when after we turn Hipperall over to the commander at 'ic'zing, everyone get patched up, and get some rest when we get back to Rafo," Ben ordered.

Graham's eyes went wide as he looked me over. He reached out but didn't touch me. His human hand hovered over the sling and bandages that were immobilizing me until my next treatment. The rest of the crew made their way past Graham and I into the base.

"I'm fine," I said softly.

"Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?" Graham asked. He was upset.

"I knew I was going to see you soon," I said with a smile. "Plus, it's really not bad. Just needs another regen session."

Graham's hand fell back down to his side. "A little warning would've been nice," he sighed.

"And why do you think that you should be aware of Guinevere's status before the official debrief?" Ben asked from behind me.

"Jesus? Are all of you injured?" Graham asked instead of answering Ben's question. I hadn't realized that Ben wasn't with the rest of the crew.

"We're fine," Ben said shortly. "All injuries are minor and can be handled without invasive repair." Ben paused. "Meaning, per protocol, there was no reason to contact base before our debrief." I glanced back at Ben to see one eyebrow raised up. "Unless there is some strange reason for you to receive an express update."

"Ben," I sighed. "We can talk about this after the debrief."

"Oh, so, there's something to talk about, then?" Both of Ben's eyebrows were up now, which had to hurt, considering that eyebrow raise was pulling at the open wound on his face.

"Ben," I warned. Ben raised his hands and walked past Graham and I.

"Sorry," I said to Graham while looking down at the metal floor.

Graham's human gently grasped my face and neck. I looked at him.

"It's okay," he said simply. His hand moved down to my waist and he guided me into the base. 

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