Chapter Twenty-Eight: A Sex Scene

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Author's Note and Warning: Please be advised that this chapter contains explicit, and fairly well written, sex (I'm a little proud of myself, I think I did a good job). If you want to skip the explicit stuff, I have marked off the scene with '***'. 


"How else can I assist you, Handler Graham?" I asked fake jokingly. I wasn't quite back to confident yet, so I faked it.

I watched as Graham took a breath and said, "I'm jealous." He took a brief pause. The pause was long enough for me to ponder asking 'of what' and separate my lips. "I'm jealous that the Prince of the Royal Collective of Planets knows what it's like to really kiss you, not for a cover but because you wanted to." Graham took another breath. "I'm jealous of the casual rapport you have with your Captain because I want you to be that comfortable with me."

I was floored. I was flattered. I was smiling.

"I don't know what else to add into this inappropriate speech that I held you back for," Graham confessed, softer than the rest of his speech had been.

My smile went flat as I amusedly bit down on my bottom lip to stop from beaming at Graham. I stepped into Graham's space and then up onto my tip-toes, leaning against his chest. I ran my hands up to his neck. My eyes fluttered closed as Graham bent his neck down and pressed his lips to mine. His hands held onto my hips as we traded soft kisses. And it felt different from the undercover work. This was intimate and not forced.


For a bit, that's where stayed, in the open air of his room holding onto one another. But then, Graham easily picked me up with his metal arm and I wrapped my legs around him. He moved back smoothly and suddenly, we were on his bed, and I was in his lap. Graham was laying kisses down my throat. His hands were on my back under my tank top. The ridges on his metal hand were a new feeling at the dimples of my back.

I gave my hips a roll over Graham's. He pulled my shirt off and moved his attention to my breasts. He made eye contact and ran his tongue along the edge of my bra. I reached back and unlatched it. Graham took hold of the straps and slowly slid them off. Once the bra was on the floor, I moved my hands down from his pecs and back up under his shirt. His abs shifted under the stroke of my thumb. His shirt came off. His mouth was back on my lips. His hands were cupping my breasts. His fingers played with my nipples, caressing and tugging. Jesus I was turned on. I rolled my hips into his and ran my thumbs over the short hair behind his ears.

I was on my back with Graham between my legs. His hands opened my pants. I returned the favor. He wasn't wearing underwear. I pulled his hard dick out and ran my hand over it. I rubbed my thumb over the head. He groaned. My jeans and panties were ripped down and off my legs. I playfully pushed down his black pants with my feet.

He was so freaking beautiful. Especially in between my legs. He looked down at me, eyes wild. I sat up and kissed him again.

I pulled back slightly. "Fuck me," I whispered. Graham leaned back, opened a drawer and pulled out a condom. Or the whatever space version of a purple glowing dick sheath was called. He quickly slid it on and leaned back down to kiss me again. I clenched around him and moaned. I wrapped a leg around one of his for leverage.

"Fuck," I said as Graham left my lips and sucked and kissed my breasts before running his tongue over the nipple. I clenched around him again. I began to move my hips in earnest, my hands grasping his shoulders for support. Graham groaned. Graham moved his human hand down and explored the area connecting us. He ran his fingers around my folds and his dick before rubbing circles around my clit.

"Shit!" I gasped. He rubbed his forefinger over the nub, relentlessly until I came fluttering around him.

"Okay to keep going?" Graham gasped.

"Yeah," I breathed with several desperate nods. He pulled out and used his metal arm to flip me over. He laid me out on the bed and continued to fuck me. Another orgasm later, I was on my front, panting, unable to move an inch. I groaned as Graham pulled out. He ran a series of light kisses down my back. He pulled the protection off, tossed it in the incineration bin and laid down beside me.


"This is kinda a dumb thing to try," I panted. "I want to try but I'm also leaving in a cycle or two, to track down a one night stand. You're also kind of in charge of me in this military operation we got going and it's probably not a good idea to put feelings in that."

I turned my head to look at Graham. He was already looking at me.

"But, you want to try?" he asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I want to try." I smiled back. I rolled onto my side so I was facing him fully. Graham's metal arm made a sweep over my ribs.

"Then we'll try," he whispered. Graham placed a gentle kiss on my lips and pulled back again. "We should probably get some food and then check in with the tech department," Graham said. I didn't really want to leave his bed but I did have to leave soon. I kissed him again before sitting up and starting to re-dress. Graham made no such moves. His eyes followed me. I raised an eyebrow at him questioningly.

"I mean, it's not as fun as watching you get undressed but it's still fun," he said. I laughed and threw his shirt at him.

"Remember when it was your job to watch me get undressed?" I asked, still laughing.

"Vividly," Graham answered, pulling his pants back up.  

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