Chapter Twenty-Five: One Mission to Another

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Ben and I had snuck onto a Collective space ship that had parked on the planet Illyia. It was close to 'ic'zing so we needed to know why it was here. We were dressed in stolen blue Collective uniforms. I was 100% keeping mine. It fit like a goddamn glove and the plastic armor was so cool.

"Fuck," I said and pulled Ben into a closet with me and the tech-eye caught the reflection of movement from around the corner.

"What?" Ben whispered down at me, he had opened his helmet so I could hear him better. We were pressed together. It wasn't a tight fit but there wasn't a lot of space to move around. I clicked the helmet open, held a finger up my lips and tapped twice before nodding my head to the door. The closet was some sort of access point for utilities. It was dimly lit in red light and Ben and I were shoved in between an air duct and some other piping.

"Why again did you drag me out to this planet?" Kuzzon's voice asked in the hallway. Ben's eyes got wide. We both leaned closer to the door to hear better.

"Commander Schythoolin is being difficult," the other voice said. I closed my eyes. That voice sounded familiar.

"I'm supposed to be half-way to my father's birthday celebration and Commander Schythoolin is being difficult?" Kuzzon sounded incredulous.

"Yes, Sir. He's pitched a fit about escorting the Slaver Noteroo to Earth during the celebration season," the other voice. Was that Cafferty? If it was, good for him. Congrats on the promotion.

"Fine, I'll will convince him," Kuzzon's voice faded a little as they got farther away. "But ready the ship for take off in one half-cycle."

I looked up at Ben and whispered. "Well, I guess that answers most of our questions."

Ben frowned. "We should still try to copy their mission data and routes."

"Okay, but how long are we staying in this closet for?" I asked.

"Just for a little longer, make sure foot traffic has cleared," he answered softly. I nodded and let it be quiet for a minute or two. I focused on Ben and not the red light that I hated so much.

"So, what's up with you?" I whispered half because I cared, half to distract myself. "You were kinda in a big hurry to take this mission and get off base."

Ben's lips pursed. He stayed quiet and focused his gaze on the closet door. I rolled my eyes and poked his left peck, where the armor ended. I poked again and again. On the fourth poke Ben glared at me. I poked again.

"Stop it," he hissed.

"Tell me what's wrong," I instructed. I poked again. And again.

"Soothia broke up with me," he whispered. I immediately pulled my hand back from his chest.

"Oh man, I'm sorry, dude," I whispered.

Ben sighed. "It's fine. Just thought this would be a nice distraction."

"Yeah, for sure, let's go steal some data," I encouraged before closing the helmet back up. Ben did the same, then reached back and pressed the unlock key on the door and it slid open.

We didn't run into another alien while we made our way down to the data banks. It was a good thing they were running a skeleton crew during the celebration season. We back in the runner and headed back to 'ic'zing quickly. I thought about saying something to Ben about the break up but I didn't really know what that would be. 'Hey, I know that your options for a relationship are limited due to the whole rebelion thing but there are still plenty of aliens in the galaxy.' 'You're a good dude, you'll find some good.' Neither of those things sounded very comforting. When we were back on base I settled for a few pats on the shoulder and a small smile. Ben smiled back so I considered that to be enough.

The mission debrief went right into a mission briefing as Graham and Commander outlined a masked gala that was being held by the famous Waseatryn, inventor Mikereen. The gala was in honor of the Grand Ruler, but everyone important should still be on the Capital planet. We set out immediately to steal the plans for whatever break-through weapon Mikereen had designed.

I was the last to arrive at the gate. I chalked it up to human habits. It just took me longer to get ready for an event, than it took my crewmates. I descended the grated metal stairs that went down from my room to the entryway of the ship. The shimmery purple fabric of my dress swirled around my ankles with the ease of a high slit. I held my tech mask in one hand. The technology that made up the mask would conform to the face and offered several different styles that would cover my face. The one I used most often was a full face blur but for this Masquerade, I would pick something more festive.

"You look great!" Boo trilled. She was in a white dress which really popped against her skin and hair. Her mask was the same hot pink as her skin.

"Thanks, you too," I said back. The guys said nothing. That was typical.

"Alight team, masks on, let's head out," Ben said. I held the mask up to my face and it self-adhered.

"Which one, Cap'n?" I asked, tapping on the mask. Ben looked me up and down. I flipped to the next mask.

"Uhh, that one," Ben said. I looked towards Boo and she nodded. We headed out the hangar doors and out to the platform we were docked on. Mikereen lived on a moon. By lived on, I meant owned a moon that he custom-terraformed. It was now a lush world with metal streets and mansions that Mikereen rented out to other important Collective higher ups. We made our way over to the escalator that would carry us to Mikereen's mansion and into the party. 

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