Chapter Sixteen: Headquarters

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It had not been a good nap; felt like I couldn't get comfortable in my own bed. I was still exhausted. The conference table was huge and looming. Commander Exandar stood at the end. His hands rested on the table. The hologram behind him glowed with a map of the known universe. Earth was a tiny little dot way in the far corner of the room. I frowned.

A hand came down on my left shoulder. I jumped a little, and looked behind me at Graham.

"Your eye not turned on?" he asked with a small smile. I shot him a quick smile and shook my head. I had run out of my room so fast that I had forgotten to turn it on. I reached up and tapped my temple three times.

"Long time no see," I said to Graham. His metal arm was covered by a cozy sweater and it was weird. Did I just get used to seeing Graham in so little clothing that this was weird? Was it weird for Graham to see me in something other than lingerie?

"Yeah," he responded. 

I pulled out a chair and Graham slid into the one next to me. I looked around the table. Ben looked confused. Grey was relaxed back into his chair. Danyl was making small talk with the Commander, Mako was looking down at a tablet, Poku was examining the holo, and Boo was smiling really big at me. I shot Boo a questioning look and she nodded her head to Graham who was looking at the Commander, waiting patiently for the meeting to commence. I raised an eyebrow back at her. She shook her head at me like she was disappointed. I felt like I missed something.

"Thanks to Graham and Guinevere we are now in possession of the next 235 cycles worth of slaving plans of the Collective," The Commander said. "We are still reviewing all of the data, but," Exandar waved his arm and the Cymeriane System came into focus. "We know that the Collective Slaver Lyteroon will be planet hopping on the rim planets of the Cymeriane System. He will be auditing the housing facilities for slaves on these planets. It looks like the Collective has become a little worried about their control over a few planets and they think the best way to win back support is with increased slave labor. With the increased import potential, Lyteroon will be responsible for helping the facilities make space."

Yeah, that sounded right. I started to anxiously pick at my nails. I wished I could paint them like I did on Earth. My old stress relief was a bottle of red wine, a bottle of burgundy nail polish, and a few episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine. I wished I had some paper or a tablet. Maybe I could keep my hands busy by doodling or taking notes.

"The worse news is that the Grand Ruler has taken a personal interest in this project and is sending an elite team," the Commander waved his arms and the Cymeriane Systems faded to a team picture. In the middle was the Prince, "headed by Prince Kuzzon himself." Kuzzon's team consisted of Kuzzon, a blue Waseatryn woman, a pink woman with a tail, a purple furred Waseatryn man, and a yellow skinned man with orange hair. I blinked away flashes of Kuzzon's body and the glow of his freckles.

"I don't really have any more instructions for you and your team," the Commander came back into focus. "Besides create chaos, take out housing facilities, bring in slavers if you can, don't let anything go right for the Collective."

"We can do that, Sir," Ben said with confidence and a frown on his face.

"Graham will be your point person," the Commander said, looking at Graham. Graham nodded. "Stay on planet for a sun-cycle or two so Guinevere can rest up." Everyone at the table nodded so I did as well. 

"Dismissed," the Commander said. I rubbed over the human eye to clear up my vision. Ben quickly left the room. Grey strolled out casually. Boo waggled her eyes at me and left as well. I pushed my chair back and stood.

"Want to go to the gym with me?" Graham asked. My eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Do you like me now, are we friends?" A teasing smile broke out on my face.

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