Chapter Thirteen: Two Alien Bros?

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The large group number was Warrant's Cherry Pie. It was an easy enough routine, just some line dancing, drops, and hip shaking. I took a few minutes to wipe my body down before heading back out for waitress duty.

"Do you want me to talk to Dameryn?" Graham asked. I sighed and grabbed the tray. I frowned at him. I could see the table looking over at us.

"I'm mad at you. I don't want to do this," I turned my back to the crowd and gave Graham a wink. I mean, I was mad at him and I didn't want to do this, but I was going to and the words aloud were just for the cover.

"Gen, we need the money," Graham sighed. He slid another drink onto the tray I was holding.

"I know," I said. "But I'm in a relationship with you, not anyone else. The only reason we're doing all this is so we can have our commitment ceremony." I turned, plastered a smile on my face and dropped off the drink at table 15. I delivered another round of drinks before I had to go back to the Collective's table.

"Things look a little tense with you and Gregory," Dameryn hummed when I brought over the drinks.

"Nope, Greg and I are fine," I said, taking the drinks off of the tray and setting them down in front of each alien.

"Really? Because you two are usually all over each other and you're not tonight," Cafferty said. He actually sounded like he cared. I had weird feelings about Cafferty and Bryrian actually, maybe being decent. I pulled the tray back. It's good to know that all the PDA was noticed and I wasn't making out with Graham for no reason.

"Just a small disagreement about money," I said with a shrug. "We'll figure it out."

Dameryn's face broke out into a wide grin. "I'm sure."

"Genvieve have you met Commander Schythoolin, Lyteroon, and Rinteruun?" Cafferty asked.

I smiled and nodded to the three new guests. Lyteroon was the one who kidnapped me. "I have not. Are you three enjoying your night?" My eyes followed his scar down his face again, but my mind stayed present. 

"Yes, the routines have been thrilling and athletic," the Commander said.

"I'll pass the compliments on. Amber will be so excited," I said with a smile. I asked if they needed anything else and was waved off. 

I delivered a few more drinks before Graham grabbed me and trapped me against the bar. If the relationship was real, I would've been pissed about this move. He moved some hair behind my ear with his human hand and we whispered back and forth.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. I think you should be the one to negotiate the lap dance," I responded leaning forward into him.

"I agree. It'll look better coming from the man." He was right. I pursed my lips anyway.

I looked down and back up at Graham. He rubbed his human thumb over my cheek, under where the tech-mask was displaying black lace.

"I still don't really want to do this," I confessed.

"It'll be okay." Graham pulled back.

I grabbed the next tray of drinks. I just had to get through the last of my shift. I worked quickly and flirted as needed. Alexi came by and replaced me as a waitress. I was done for the night. I leaned over the bar to give Graham a quick kiss on the cheek before heading up to the room.

I showered, changed and collapsed face first onto the bed. I started the report but Graham needed to fill in some details. I took a deep breath and...

I woke up when the door to the room was opened nicely and then slammed shut.

"That Dameryn is a dick," Graham seethed.

"Yeah," I sighed into the pillow. I turned my head so I could watch Graham pace. "He's super creepy. Do you get the feeling that Cafferty and Bryrian are just two bros, trying to do their jobs and Dameryn is just always in the way of them being two bros?"

Graham stopped pacing to give me a 'what the hell' look. That was fair. I was tired. I pushed my torso up and turned over.

"Sorry," Graham said. "You can go back to sleep."

I rubbed my human eye. "It's 'kay. I'm good now." I held back a yawn. "What's the plan?"

"The douchebags three will be here midday suncycle after next," Graham said. "Amber has given us access to a private room on the second floor. Then, it's up to you to steal the routes through a lap dance or three. I will stay in the room with you the whole time to make sure that nothing too sexual goes on since you're my intended."

"I have told you that I don't care for this plan, right?" I asked sullenly.

"You've mentioned it," Graham nodded. He now had his arms crossed over his chest.

"I started the report for you," I said and tossed him the tablet. This time instead of falling asleep on my front, on top of the covers, I curled up on my side under them and fell right back to sleep.

I woke up, warm, my back hugged into Graham by his metal arm. The arm was warm and smooth to the touch. I don't know why I thought it would be cold. Instead it was like opening a car door on a warm Earth day. I blinked away the sleep and the par metaphors. I shuffled out of Graham's grasp and grabbed new clothes for the day while he moaned about it being too early.

Eventually, Graham got up and dressed and we ate breakfast with a few of the other girls. The day passed much the same as the ones before. We rehearsed, took a break for lunch, rehearsed a little more and got changed into work clothes for the night. My solo dance to Pillowtalk by Zayn was my only routine, so I was waitressing for most of the night. 

I managed to pull Amber aside for a few minutes so she could answer my questions about how she got updated Earth music. Apparently she went out to a swap moon called Ganfer Five every so often. There she could buy CDs or data packs with songs on them. I made a mental note to check that place out.

Dameryn and the Commander did not show up at the bar that night. Bryrian and Cafferty did. They stayed for a few drinks and pulled me aside before they left.

"You don't have to do the thing tomorrow," Cafferty said. Bryrian nodded behind him. They both seemed so earnest. Bryrian's fangs made an appearance when he smiled softly at me. 

"Oh, I uh," I actually didn't know how to respond. "Kind of feels like I have to or I won't be left alone," I said slowly. This conversation was actually throwing me for a loop. Apparently Cafferty and Bryrian were just two dudes trying to do their jobs and not all into the 'Waseatryn are the ultimate species' propaganda.

The two aliens looked at each other briefly and turned back to me. The house lights went low and flashed back on as Breanna took the stage.

"Gregory isn't making you do it, right?" Bryrian asked.

I shook my head. "We make decisions together." The two left and the rest of night drug on with fulfilling drink orders for a job I was done with tomorrow.

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