Chapter Forty-Four: A Post Credits Scene

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Thank you so much to everyone who read my book! I had so much fun writing it and the encouragement that I got from friends and family, one cousin in particular, was amazing. 

I don't yet know if there will be a sequel but, in the meantime, there is a post credits scene. Enjoy!

The world came into focus slowly. Well, most of it did. The tech eye was shut off. I tried to look out and around. I was in some sort of tent, maybe. My arms were fastened behind my back and as I leaned back, I could tell there was something behind me. Something movable. Something warm. How the hell did I end up in this tent?

I looked down at my legs and my ankles were tied together. I rolled my head to the right and tried to get a glimpse over my shoulder. The silver hair and blue skin stood out. Freaking, Kuzzon. Stupid, freaking, Prince Kuzzon of the Royal Collective of Planets.

I refused to be the only person awake and aware of the captive situation. I was so tired of being kidnapped. So tired.

I rolled my shoulder back into Kuzzon but that wasn't near enough pressure. I threw my back into his. My ass dug slightly deeper into the cold dirt.

"Prince Kuzzon, wake up," I hissed and threw my body back into his again.

"Prince Killjoy, seriously," I hissed again.

Kuzzon groaned and his head raised up into mine. I took another look at the tent. The canvas was lined with some kind of tech. Lines of LEDs were lighting up occasionally.

"What did you just call me?" the prince asked, calmly. And the calm only pissed me off even more. Outside the tent, I could hear movement of passersby but no conversation.

"Killjoy, as in you kill all the joy and optimism I have for life because it is your fault that we captured," I said as the frown further sank my lips.

"Hmmm, seems a bit harsh," Kuzzon responded.

"I have been a prisoner far too often in my life," I shot back. "And it just feels worse every time it happens."

"Perhaps you should consider a career change," Kuzzon said. He was way too blasé about this and I was about to lose my shit.

"Maybe you should consider a career change," I snapped back.

"Possibly a career change from Prince of the Royal Collective of Planets to disowned rebel?" Oops. Kuzzon's voice hadn't changed at all while he asked that question back to me.

"Sorry, I was out of line," I admitted softly.

"You are far more irritable when you are not having sex," Kuzzon said, flippantly.

"Now you're out of line," I hissed.

"Do you think your Ex-boyfriend, still current handler knows that something has gone awry?" I got the feeling that had we not been tied-up, back-to-back that Kuzzon would have been filing his fingernails casually.

"Do you think you should still be called Prince if you've been disowned?"

"Touché," Kuzzon responded. Again, his voice didn't change but I couldn't see his face to see if he was at all bothered by this conversation. "Perhaps we should stop this banter and discuss something more worthwhile?"

"Right, uh, if I lift myself up, can you reach my back pockets?"

"To what end?" Kuzzon asked.

"To see if my pocket knife is still in my pocket and we can cut ourselves loose," I answered.

"I'm not too worried about getting free," Kuzzon said calmly.

My lips rolled inward. My right eye started twitching. "Then, what the hell, is more worthwhile?" I asked angrily.

"How do you feel about being my lover?"

"Is that really necessary?" I could feel my back teeth getting smaller. The tent opened behind me. I couldn't see shit. I examined the lines of lights running up and down the interior of the tent.

Kuzzon simply greeted, "Jameson! It's been a while!" Oh, I hated everything about this mission. This was the last time I partnered with Kuzzon.

"So, you thought you could just waltz into my camp?" I assumed a man named Jameson asked Kuzzon.

"It was really less of a waltz and more of a semi stealthy saunter," Kuzzon said back, and I could hear Jameson laugh a full bellied deep chuckle. I didn't like where this conversation was going. If Kuzzon knew this guy then why did we have to sneak in and why were we still tied up?

"Where's the rest of your crew?" Jameson asked.

"Alas, they're in hiding, and I'm checking in on some old contacts to see if they want to help me not be murdered by my own father," Kuzzon answered and it was not the tone he given me earlier when I breached this topic.

"Yes, I heard about the hit put out on you, but you seem to be surviving just fine," Jameson said. "Of course, anything information out there about the hit has been removed from all data banks and is just a rumor, so much so, that there is no abandoned planet called Sperneerh."

"You know how my father is very concerned with image," Kuzzon sighed. "Now then, might my partner and I be united?"

"Of course, of course," Jameson said. A young blue alien came around into my field of vision. He held a sturdy knife up and slipped it under the rope tying my ankles together.

"Thank you," I said after clearing my throat. I spun so my back was facing the young alien and got my first look at Jameson. Jameson looked a lot like a burly Kuzzon. 

My wrists were cut free and I rubbed my wrists and cracked my knuckles. I slowly stood up and glanced between the two clearly related aliens. I turned on the eye to get an even better look at Jameson. Jameson eyed me right back. He was like three times my size. His eyes were a really pretty purple though.

"Your partner?" Jameson asked and waved an arm down, gesturing to me.

"Guinevere, my uncle Jameson," Kuzzon said and that son of a dick was actually casually looking over his fingernails. "Jameson, Guinevere."

"Welcome, to the Caravan of Disowned Waseatryns, Guinevere," Jameson said. He opened the tent flap and a camp of canvas, scrap metal, and junk ships filled my vision. Holy Shit. 

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