Chapter Thirty-One: A Date

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Graham had his human hand cupping my breast underneath the bra when my com started going off.

"Fuck, hold on," I said and I pulled back from Graham's lips. Graham slid his hand out of my shirt but kept a steadying grip on my waist. I could feel the ridges of the calluses and scars left from guns and hard work. I tilted my wrist and the holo popped up to show that Ben was calling me.

I took a deep breath. Graham rolled his eyes.

"What? Ben, just what?" I asked after picking up the call with no visual.

"I couldn't help but notice that you didn't come back to the ship to sleep," Ben commented.

Graham caught my attention and he mouthed 'overbearing.' I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Yes and?" I asked Ben.

"Learn from me, maybe," Ben suggested and I smiled. Graham shook lightly as he held back some laughter.

"What do you want, Ben?" I asked.

"Mealtime with the crew, starting as soon as you get to the mess," Ben answered.

"Sir, yes, sir. I will be there promptly," I said with only a little bit of sarcasm in my tone and I ended the call. Graham's thumbs made light circles over my shirt.

"Gym, later?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah, okay," he agreed and I slowly pulled out of his grasp.

"Send me a message when you're free," he said once all my clothing and outer layers and shoes were back in their proper place on my body. Graham was leaning up in bed, shirtless, and cozy. I gave a small salute and quickly made my way to the mess.

I sustained some light ribbing from the crew when I sat down at their table. Boo, in particular, waggled her eyebrows at me a lot. They flashed a different color every time I looked at her. I just shook my head and smiled.

"What does everyone have planned for the cycle?" I asked when everyone had calmed down.

"Taking some new pilots out for practice," Danyl answered.

"Weapons range," Grey said. "They just got in this new blaster and it looks badass."

"Data review for Poku and I," Boo answered.

"Shift in medical," Mako said.

"Haven't decided yet," Ben said calmly then his eyebrow quirked up. "What are you doing?"

"I told Graham I'd meet him in the gym," I said with a casual shrug.

"Maybe, I'll tag along with you," Ben suggested. There was an odd lilt to his voice.

"Sure, could use more two-on-one practice," I said. I took another bite of food and sent off a message to Graham to ask if the change of plans was okay.

His message back said, 'Of course, I could actually use some two-on-one practice.' I smiled. It was nice to be on the same wavelength as someone.

"Soooo, who'd you sleep with last cycle?" Ben asked once we were in the hallway away from the rest of the crew.

I thought very briefly about my answer before looking around the hallway and pulling Ben in close. "The commander," I whispered. Ben froze. I left him frozen in the hallway. He had to run to catch up.

"Please tell me you're joking," Ben begged. I just looked up at him.

"Point taken, none of my business. I kept my last relationship from you, I mean I didn't do it very well, but point taken," Ben rambled.

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