Chapter Thirty-One: A Zoo

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We were sent back out immediately. We got a tabloid report of Kuzzon on planet Zoulxan and there was a Collective ship production site on the second moon of the planet.

"I can't go down there," I said, arms crossed, standing in the mess with Ben and the rest of the crew.

"What, why?" Ben asked. He actually looked taken-aback. The rest of the crew looked bored. Grey might actually have been sleeping.

"Well, if you recall, I can't use my real face and the tech-mask is not allowed in that club you want to stake out," I said.

"We don't even know that Kuzzon is for sure there," Ben shot back. I mean the tabloid report was a little old, but not that old.

"Just keep me in a sniper's position, or as a handler. I can monitor everyone's position and provide backup," I countered.

"Guinevere. You're the best undercover we have on this ship," Ben said. "We need you in the club." Well, that was flattering. I did like being good at things.

"Ugh, space is weird and I hate clubs. But fine. Just know that if Kuzzon recognizes me, we're in for some shit," I said before turning around and storming off to my room to get ready. I honestly did not get why there were so many clubs in space. I would love to stake out a park sometime.

The club was called Xiak and they had very specific rules about the body and dress. They had scanners at the entrance and would turn anyone away who was carrying a weapon or using tech to alter their appearance. The scanners would also go on alert if someone was wearing more makeup than the club deemed acceptable. Hair dye was acceptable. Nail coating was acceptable but not fake nails. Jewelry and clothing were expected to be spectacular. The people of planet Zoulxan believed in honesty but appreciated the Avant Garde which is why the traditional club of Xiak had so many rules about appearance. There were even some of the native Zoulxandars who could even sense lies, which made their whole honesty obsession make sense.

By the time we had docked in the city of Zoo a short way away from Xiak, I had three shimmering blue streaks across my cheeks, my hair was pulled back in four dutch braids, and I was wearing some very uncomfortable silver bands across my torso for a top and some black, shimmering, hammer-style pants. All the holes in my ears were filled with silver studs and my feet were shoved into silver sneaker-wedges. I was uncomfortable. But the outfit and shoes should be good enough to get into the club and easy enough to run in, if necessary.

Ben looked me up and down. "Well, you somehow don't look like yourself," he said. I sighed loudly. Weird portions of my torso were showing. I should've probably gotten over feeling exposed. I mean, there was that whole stripper thing.

"So, the plan is for me to get into the club and hit on any important looking people that I can find, get information about the new vessels the Collective is building, and hope that I don't run into my one-night-stand," I said to confirm the plan.

"Yes," Ben responded with a nod. "I'll be at a cafe near-by in case you need backup. Grey and Danyl will be trying to get a sneak peak at the vessels themselves."

The city of Zoo was built up. There was an elevator on the outside of every skyscraper and a series of trams that were connected to walkways at every fifteenth floor. Ben and I boarded a tram that took us into the city center, before taking an elevator up to the 85th floor. Ben went left to a small restaurant where he could sit outside on the walkway and I went right to get to the club.

There was a line outside of the club, standing along the wide metal walkway that wrapped around every building, every floor. It was manned by a tall blue Zoulxandar man. I turned on the fake confidence, caught his eyes, gave him a wink, and got in line. I pretended to look bored in line as the doorman came over.

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