Part 12

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May 6, 11:54 am.
One month before the collapse.

We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.

We see home as a safe place where we can go whenever we want. But that's just because we want to. That's just because we need a place like that. Sometimes, home is just a word without any significance. Sometimes, you are your own home.

But Louis was sure that he wasn't his home, so he didn't know were the fuck he was supposed to feel safe. He hated when people said that home was a person, because he never felt at home in the arms of anyone. His life was just full of people, but non of them represented home. He hadn't been in the arms of someone in a long time.

However, when he woke up that morning, he felt two strong arms around his body. He opened his eyes and looked down, and to his horror, he saw a cross tattoo in the hand of who was holding him.

He staid still, with his eyes wide open, contemplating what to do. The answer was obvious, he knows, he should turn around and stab Harry until he died. But he didn't do it. (It stayed an option) So, let's say he was too lazy so he tried to go back to sleep. Just because he was too lazy. No other reasons.

"H?" He whispered.


"Wake up." He whispered again.

Harry groaned again, so Louis being Louis did the only thing that seemed logical in this case. He took Harry's hand and shoved it away, and then got up. Now Harry was awake.

"Well, good fucking morning." He finally said.

Louis smirked.

They staid in bed for a good five minutes, then decided to get up together, not wanting to be suspicious. But when they got outside the tend, they saw the others eating breakfast on the ground.

"Look who's awake! Morin' guys." Liam smiled. Why was he so energetic in the morning, god.

"Question, why didn't you wake us? We have to be up early to find our way home." Harry asked and for once, Louis found himself agreeing with him.

"Man, who knows how we would've find you." Zayn comments.

What the actual.

"What uh...what are you guys talking about?" Harry asked chuckling nervously, and if it was a different moment, Louis would've probably find him cute.

No he wouldn't.

"Dude, we know you two are a thing, don't worry." Liam paused. "The walls are not that thin—"

"Oh for god's sake." Louis groaned. This couldn't get worse.

"Just saying." Liam raised his hands up in defense.

They finished eating breakfast, then started packing up their things and decided to start looking for their way home. Louis wasn't really looking forward to it since he didn't like to walk, but don't we all. At lunch time, they were still in the middle of the woods. Still looking for home. Still expecting to find it. But to Louis' surprise, it wasn't that bad, they were just walking around together, eventually making conversation and laughing. No one blamed no one. It was just fine.

Louis was glad to have friends like them, but they didn't need to know that.

Three in the afternoon and the trees were starting to become the same. Is seemed like they kept passing in the same way, without an exit. Louis was starting to get bored.

"Lads, we're not going anywhere like this," He announced. "We don't have a plan."

"To my surprise, L is right," Liam said and Louis rolled his eyes so hard it actually hurt. "Do we remember something? Like a building or...?"

"I don't know, maybe we could use my phone?" Niall shrugged.

What did he say?

"N? You— you had a phone this whole time?" Zayn asked shocked.

Niall nodded. That motherfucker. "N, what the hell? Why didn't you tell us before?" He groaned.

"Because it's useless, I mean, I don't know how to read maps anyway." And if it was someone else, Louis would've probably strangle him. But it was Niall, so he just sighed.

They started to look for their house again, but this time, genius Niall had the map on his phone. After 2 good hours of searching, the things started to get familiar. The tree near the rock, the lake behind the hill, and finally, at 5 in the evening, they saw the unmistakable brown color of the walls of their shitty but huge house.

Fucking finally.

"Look you guys! Oh Jesus, we did it!" Zayn shouted as they basically run inside the house. But before Harry could, Louis pulled him aside. This was getting out of control.

"What? Cmon L we're home!" Harry jumped, but soon stopped when he felt a non different pain in his right cheek, putting his hands on it.

Louis fucking slapped him.

Then he grabbed both sides of his face, pulling their foreheads closer to each other.

"Don't ever do that again, you heard me?" Louis whispered.

"What?" Harry whispered back, massaging his cheek.

"Don't run away, don't get lost in the fucking woods, okay?" He asked, his tone softer now. Not that he cared, he just didn't want to loose a member of the crew. That's it.

"I won't, I promise." Harry said. They stared in each other's eyes for a few minutes, or hours, honestly, Louis lost a bit the track of time while Harry was staring deeply into his soul. By the time walked back in the house, the others were already putting back all of their stuff.

But there was one more thing Louis needed to do. He walked over Liam's room, not even bother to knock.

"Li?" He said.

"Hey." Liam smiled as he sat on the bed.

"I wanted to, uhm...apologize,"He almost whispered. "I— sorry if I got so defensive when you called me with my name."

"No, I'm sorry I called you with your name, I should never do that." Liam apologized, he was such a good guy.

"Don't worry, it's okay," He smiled. "So, we're good?"

Liam smiled and nodded energetically. They even hugged, but then Louis went back to his room, needing to unpack his 'suitcase'. When he reached for his phone though, he found 5 missed calls from Lottie and 3 from Fizzie. His heart started beating faster just at the thought of something happening to his mum.

"Hello? Lotts? Is everything okay?" Louis asked skipping the small talk. He wasn't fucking ready. Not yet.

"Lou," she sobbed. Louis' heart broke a little, knowing what was coming, yet doing his best not to think about it. "She— she passed away last night, I'm—I'm so sorry."

Lottie kept talking and sobbing, but he stared at the wall in front of him, and suddenly, the phone in his hand was gone, his strength was gone, his legs and hands started to shake.

In that moment, his whole life and all the moments with his mother flashed by his eyes, remembering every feature of her face, every words, her voice echoing in his head, trying to imagine how one of her hugs would feel right now.

And just like that, she was gone.

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