The Day We Met Part 4

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   The next day, I ended up sleeping well into the afternoon. I woke up to hear the TV on in the living room, where I found Aaron watching a football game. He saw me wheel myself into the living room to see who was winning. The score was a complete shutout, Denver was destroying Detroit by a good margin, it was to the point that Aaron was considering turning the game off, it was that bad.

   "How did you sleep buddy?" Aaron asked, turning the game off.

   "I never knew what hit me!" I replied.

   Aaron chuckled, "That good eh? I could hear you snoring when I got up this morning."

   "Did I keep you awake?" I asked.

   "Nah, all good bud." Aaron replied.

   I went in to get something to eat, when all of a sudden, Aaron and I both heard a rattling sound, coming from my room. We both raced to my room to see what was going on, but when we got there, we didn't see anything. Then we heard the doorknob on the front door jiggle, so then we rushed out there. I was too short to see out the window, but Aaron was just tall enough to see a guy running off the porch and across our yard!

   Aaron immediately called police, but took off after the guy while he was on the phone. I watched as he ran at top speed after the guy, tackled him to the ground, then actually sat on him while waiting for police to arrive. Where we lived, the police station was literally 30 seconds from our house. I watched as three cop cars came racing down the big hill, through the stoplight, and raced down to my house.

   No sooner did the cops get out of their cruisers, Aaron waited until one of them had his hands on the intruder, then he got up off the guy, backed away with his hands up, letting the police do their job. A neighbor who was one of our friends, called my mom at work to let her know what happened, but she wasn't able to leave work, because her boss was one of those guys who told her it was either stay and work, or leave and get fired. We had even had the doors locked so the guy couldn't get in, but it didn't stop him from trying.

   The police thanked us for catching the guy, then threw the guy in the back of one of the cruisers. As soon as they had him loaded, they all drove off, taking him to jail. Aaron and I went back inside the house, locked every door, then went back to our usual things we were doing. Ten minutes later, my mom called while she was on her break. 

   "Are you two alright?" my mom asked.

   "Yeah, we're fine, Aaron caught the guy." I told my mom.

   "Let me talk to him for a second." my mom said.

  I handed the phone to Aaron, where he assured my mom I was completely safe, and unharmed. One thing I knew about Aaron, if he was as protective of me at school as he was, he'd was 10 times more protective of me in that moment. I've never seen him run as fast as he did when he tackled that guy to the ground, I didn't know a guy over 350 pounds could move that fast, but he was like a giant bullet!

   The more I got to know Aaron, and the more I saw how protective of me he was, the more I started to really like him. In fact, nobody in our school knew this, not even Aaron, but I was beginning to like him as more than just a very close friend, but I was incredibly nervous to tell him, so I kept quiet about it. Aaron saw my face looking nervous, asking me what the problem was, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell him.

   When it got toward evening, we were watching a movie, and just like always, I feel asleep next to Aaron. While I was sleeping, he put his arm around me, letting me lean on him to rest. When my mom got home, she saw I was asleep, then aske Aaron to take me to bed. I don't know how he moved me without waking me up, but he did it. The rest of the weekend would go by problem free, with Aaron and I having a great time being with each other, but it would be my talk with Jamie Monday morning during a day home from school, where I would tell her my dark secret, while at the same time, having her tell me something I didn't want to hear.

TO BE CONTINUED..........................................................................................................................

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