The Day We Met Part 9

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   The next morning, Aaron and I had to be up super early, because it was party day, and there was a TON to do to get set up. I had to stay out of the way though, because there really wasn't much I could do to help out. Most of the guys who were coming, including Sean, showed up early, because they had to help with the heavy moving. They had to move a couple long tables that held five people on each side, because we were expecting 20 people. Jamie actually showed up early as well, so talking to her gave me something to do while the guys got everything set up.

   Aaron's dad had to work, so he wasn't able to be at the party, but Aaron's mom stayed at the house, because even though she trusted Aaron, she still didn't want him having an unsupervised party. She helped make some of the food we were going to have, so she was inside cooking while the rest of us were outside setting up. After setup was complete, I saw Sean looking around, so assuming he was looking for me, I called out to him. Sure enough, he walked over to me, giving me a hug.

   "I was wondering where you were." Sean said, "Sorry I didn't get to come see you right away."

   "It's cool." I said, "I know you had to help set up."

   "Are you ready to have fun?" Sean asked.

   "I guess." I replied, "The only two guys I know here are you and Aaron."

   "I'm sure some of the other guys will come say hi to you, and if they don't, Aaron and I will make sure you meet them." Sean said.

   Soon, more people started to arrive. I watched as they all went over to Aaron and Sean, saying hi to them, but not one of them came over to talk to me. Jamie noticed this, and as expected, was not too happy about it, so she walked up to Aaron, telling him that she felt I was being ignored. Aaron went around, trying to get the other guys who came to the party to come meet me, but they would just look at me, then make an excuse to Aaron that they didn't want to.

   One guy even told Aaron flat out that he just wasn't interested in talking to me. The next thing I knew, Aaron and this guy got into a heated argument about how rude the guys were being toward me. Finally, after two hours, one by one, Aaron got so mad, he started sending people home! I had never seen Aaron as angry as he was. He looked like the complete opposite of the Aaron that I knew, man he was in a rage!

   After literally all the guys left, we watched as a blue pickup truck pulled in. A guy, who was easily bigger than Aaron, got out, making his way up through the yard, where the party had been set up. When he saw everybody gathered by me, he walked over, taking a seat in the circle everyone had made with me.

   "What happened to the party?" the guy asked.

   "I sent everybody home." Aaron replied.

   "Why? what happened?" the guy asked.

   "IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" I yelled suddenly, wheeling away to the house at top speed.

   I moved to the house as fast as my wheelchair would carry me, went inside, flew down the hall, went in my room, then closed the door. About 2 minutes later, I heard a knock at my door.

   "Mike? It's Sean and Aaron, can we come in?" Sean called out.

   I half muttered a "come in" to them, then they both walked in.

   Before I could even say anything, Aaron spoke.

   "Mike, if you think it's your fault that my "friends" were rude, it's not." Aaron said, "I had no clue they would act that way toward you. But I do have someone who wants to meet you."

   All this time, I thought it was Sean that Aaron wanted me to meet, but then, the guy who showed up last minute, walked into the room. Coming over to my right side, to kneel down next to me.

   "Mike, this is Ben, even though you've been getting along great with Sean, this is another guy I wanted you to meet." Aaron told me.

   "I'm sorry you just saw my bad side." I told Ben.

   "Don't worry about it bub." Ben said, "Aaron told me you're a sensitive guy with wanting people to like you."

   "I hope I didn't just ruin my chance to have you as a friend." I told Ben.

   "Not at all bub." Ben said, "If anything, you made me want to keep an eye on you even more, like Aaron and Sean do."

   Ben was a big guy too, but not as wide as Sean and Aaron were, he was definitely taller than Aaron at 6'8", but if I had to guess his weight, he probably didn't go more than Sean did, and his height hid most of his size, so he actually looked more slender. Finally, Jamie walked into the room. I knew she was worried about me, because she's seen me at my lowest, and it kills her to see me upset every time.

   Jamie joined us in my room for a bit, then we all went outside to get things cleaned up from the failed party. Aaron's mom was quite upset that she did all the cooking she did for almost nothing, but Aaron told her he had learned a big lesson from it. It would be a while before Aaron threw another party, and it made him realize that he needed to re-evaluate the friends he kept, because a lot of them had shown their true colors. Most of Aaron's "friends" only talked to him because he was on the football team, not because they really liked him.

   After the party had gotten all cleaned up and put away, Ben had to go, because it was getting late. Ben gave me his number, so if I ever wanted to talk to him, I could, but the thing that kind of disappointed me, was that he wasn't gay or even bi, even though he was still a very nice guy. After Ben left, Jamie went home, but Sean stayed behind for a bit. I wheeled over to him, feeling bad that he and I never got to talk.

   "Mike, don't worry about it handsome. You and I are still getting to know each other, and I knew today would be chaotic anyway, though not exactly the way it went down." Sean said.

   "I do still want to get to know you." I told Sean, "I really like you a lot."

   "I think we can make that happen." Sean said, "We still have tomorrow to be able to do something together." Sean told me.

   Sean and I decided to make plans to do something together the following day, and just like I'd hoped, this would be the day that things would really get the ball rolling.

TO BE CONTINUED..........................................................................................................................

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