The Day We Met Part 14

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   The next morning, Aaron, Sean, Jamie and I all woke up pretty much at the same time. We were all in the kitchen having our breakfast, that Aaron's mom cooked, when there was a knock at the door. Aaron's mom went to the door, opening it, when she saw Julian's older brother Josh standing outside on the porch. She let him in, assuming he had come to see us. Josh quietly entered the house, joining us in the kitchen.

   "What are you doing here?" I asked.

   "I just came here to tell you, that I don't hold any ill will toward you, as far as my brother's death goes." Josh said.

   "Yeah, but yet you blame your parents, yeah, that's real smooth Josh. Why would you go and blame them, when you knew, that Julian was having problems, that YOU as a big brother could have also helped him with?" I asked.

   "Mike's got a point Josh." Aaron added, "You could have helped him just as much as they could've, instead of blaming them. Why didn't you take initiative, to see what was going on with Julian before playing the blame game?"

   "Because it's their fault!" Josh said, "I wanted to make it clear, that they didn't show initiative either! I couldn't even get through to him, I did try, but he just wouldn't respond to me, so why else would I blame my parents?"

   Then Sean chimed in, in a way I never would have expected, by turning to me.

   "Wait, let me get this right Mike." Sean said, "You turned Josh against his parents, making him blame them for Julian's death?"

   "No Sean! Why would I?--" I tried to respond.

   "That's right, why would you make Josh turn against his parents? You got Julian in more trouble than anyone, because he supposedly "bullied" you. I can't believe I figured this out about you! I thought you were better than that?" Sean asked.

   "Now hold up Sean." Aaron said, "You know Mike wasn't responsible for--"


   Out of nowhere, Aaron's father walked toward Sean, and boy, did he look PISSED!


   Sean was only too happy to do as Aaron's father asked, but before he left, Sean pointed a finger at me, "We're done asshole, don't call me, don't write me, don't even approach me at school. I curse the day I ever met you!"

   As soon as Sean said that, it set Aaron off, to where he literally chased Sean out the door, with Aaron's father following behind quickly. I looked over at Josh, who looked horrible about causing all the chaos, he walked out the door, got in his truck, and just left. As for Aaron though, the fight between him and Sean was on, and it got ugly in a BIG hurry!

   Aaron got a hold of Sean, taking him down by scooping both his legs out from under him, so he had him flat on his back, connecting with punch after punch to Sean's face. Aaron's dad tried to pull him off Sean, but Aaron just kept swatting his dad away, still beating the crap out of Sean. Aaron's father called the police, who ended up showing up to break up the fight, with Aaron's father finally able to tell Aaron to go inside.

   Aaron came in, storming to his room to go cool down, which in this instance, I knew to leave him alone, because it was never good to talk to Aaron when he's in a bad mood, which thankfully was rare. The police managed to get Sean to leave, without having to haul him away themselves. Aaron's father didn't make things worse for Sean, even though he easily could have, so no police report, except a restraining order against Sean, were written up.

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