The Day We Met Part 17

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   The following day, Aaron and I had already gotten up and got ready for the day, when Shane called to see if he could stop by. Aaron gave him directions, and told him we'd be home all day, so coming over would be no problem. Shane lived about 45 minutes away, so it would be a while before he got to the house. So the 45 minutes go by, and Shane finally makes it. Aaron told Shane that the guys from the gym would also be showing up, which Shane was fine with.

   About twenty minutes later, the guys from the gym arrived, so the house was now quite crowded. The gym was closed on this particular day, and Aaron wanted to see the guys, so that's why he invited them over. His parents knew Aaron's friends, so they were fine with them coming over, even if they were away at work. We were all in the living room talking, when there was a knock at the door.

   Figuring it was one of the guys from the gym who was late, Aaron opened the door, but to his surprise, Sean came flying in the house, and he was after ME! He somehow made it past Aaron and Shane, who tried to catch him, but they didn't quite get their hands on him. The other guys managed to get Sean back outside, but a big fight broke out. Shane and Joe stayed inside with me, but then I saw Joe get on his phone.

   "Looks like it's time to bring in the heavy artillery.", Joe said, dialing his phone.

   After a quick conversation, Joe hung up his phone, "He should be here any minute."

   "Who?" I asked.

   "You'll see." Joe replied.

   About fifteen minutes later, a black hummer pulled into the driveway, the door opened, and the biggest man I have ever seen, proceeded to get out. This guy was at least 7'5", and as for how much he weighed, I couldn't even guess. If I had to guess though, it was probably in the high 400's, maybe more! I watched as this monster of a human being made a beeline for Sean, who didn't see him coming.

  The big man grabbed Sean by the collar of his shirt, spun him around, then all he had to do was glare at him, Sean wasted no time in making a run for it. After getting rid of Sean, the guys all came in, followed by the new guy, who had to duck his head, just to fit through the door. As soon as this monster of a man made it inside, he spotted me almost right away. Joe was with me though, as were Aaron and Shane, because they saw me get nervous.

   "Mike." Joe said, "I'd like you to meet Wyatt, he's our heavy hitter for if an emergency strikes."

   As Wyatt extended his hand for a handshake, I couldn't even get my hand around his to shake hands with him, that's how big his hands were, and to my relief, Wyatt was actually very gentle.

   "Pleasure to meet you Mike." Wyatt said in a gravely voice, "Does that punk bother you often?"

   "Ever since he turned his back on me, all he wants to do is beat me up, I didn't even do anything to him!" I replied.

   Wyatt gave me a card with his phone number, and other information on it.

  "If he comes back, you let me know, okay?" Wyatt said, "I got your back."

   "Don't worry, I'll put this card to good use, you can bet on that." I replied.

   Wyatt didn't have long to stay, because he had to get home before his work shift started at a club he bounced at, but before he left, he looked at me and Aaron.

   "I want you guys to be my guests tonight at Club Indigo, I'm there from 4 to Midnight, I'll take care of you guys." Wyatt said.

   We decided to take Wyatt up on his offer, we couldn't pass it up after Wyatt had been so cool with us. When 4pm would roll around, Aaron and I would make our way down to the club with the rest of the guys from the gym, including Shane. It would turn out to be a great night, not only because Wyatt would be taking care of us, but because Aaron would throw in a little surprise for me.

TO BE CONTINUED........................................................................................................................

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