The Day We Met Part 11

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   The next morning, it was back to school. Aaron and I got up right on schedule, so we wouldn't have to rush around so much. We got dressed, ate breakfast, grabbed our backpacks, then headed out the door. It was so much easier just to go to school with him, rather than wait on the bus, because I hated the bus ride. When we got to school, everything seemed fine at first, nothing was out of the ordinary at all.

   While I was in homeroom with Jamie, we both noticed that Julian wasn't in the room. We thought maybe he was in one of his moods where he refused to go to school, but everyone we talked to in homeroom who knew him, said they saw him in the cafeteria, sitting off to himself like usual, so we just passed it off as just not seeing him. Finally, the bell rang to start our first half of the day.

   I met up with Aaron so he could walk me to my first class like he always did. We had to pass the cafeteria on our way, and as we did, we saw Julian sitting in his spot he was in when he first arrived. The principal, and a couple teachers were trying to get him to get up from his seat to go to class, but he was just sitting there with a blank stare on his face, and wouldn't move a muscle. We didn't get to stay to see much, because time was running out to get to class.

   The first three classes went by like usual, where I was able to get all my work done, and just wait until the bell rang to go to fourth period. The bell finally rang, and Aaron showed up to walk with me like normal. Once we got to 4th period, the fifty-minute class started off fine, but about halfway through, I heard a commotion outside in the hallway, which sounded like the principal, and vice-principal, yelling at a kid. It was then, I saw Julian run past our classroom, then I heard one of the doors to the public bathrooms across the hall slam shut and lock.

   I heard the door being pulled on, which caused quite a racket, along with the principal and vice-principal yelling for Julian to open the door, but no response from Julian. The two men finally gave up, then started to walk away, but they didn't get far before tragedy struck. As they got as far as our classroom door, there was quite possibly, the loudest bang I've ever heard! The principals ran back, calling for a custodian to come take the door off the hinge so they could go in to see what happened.

   Then, once they got inside, the custodian was soon instructed to pull the fire alarm, to evacuate everyone from the building. It was then, I knew this was more than just a routine fire drill. As we went outside to our safe spot, the principal came outside with a megaphone, to inform us that the fire alarm had been pulled, because a suicide had taken place inside the bathroom, across from the classroom I was in! I knew right away, that Julian had gone in the bathroom, and taken his own life.

   We were outside for about an hour, maybe a little over that, while everything inside was being taken care of. Then once we got back inside, the principal came over the intercom, to tell us school would be closing for the day, maybe even longer, while an investigation was being done. We all quietly exited the classroom, going to our lockers. As Aaron and I walked together, I told him everything I had heard, because he was in another part of the school, where he didn't hear what was going on, he just assumed it was a routine fire drill.

   When Aaron and I got outside to go home, distraught parents were everywhere, trying to find their kids, most of which had success finding their children so they could take them home. We went to Aaron's truck, where Jamie and Sean both gathered with us. We all decided to meet at Aaron's house, because none of us wanted to be alone. Aaron made double sure as soon as we were out of the building, to call both his parents to tell them what happened, and that we were all okay, and on our way home.

   Out of the four of us, I was obviously the most scared. Sean could see how distraught I was, staying by my side the entire time he was with us. All I could do, was recall hearing that bang from the bathroom across from the classroom I was in. I felt like I would never be able to get that sound out of my head. I knew that I did not want to be alone for anything. I knew Aaron would be around, because he lived here, but I just felt like he wasn't going to be enough. I asked Sean if he would be able to stay with me, because I needed him really badly.

   Aaron came and crouched beside me, "Mikey, you know Sean has to go back home buddy. I know you are going through emotional trauma right now, but as much as I know Sean wants to stay, he can't, he has to go home eventually."

   I buried my face in Aaron's chest, bawling my eyes out. Aaron, being the amazing friend he was, never left my side. Jamie was shedding tears as well, because she knew how badly this was effecting me. Sean eventually did have to leave, but he promised me he'd be back in the morning, then he asked Aaron to take good care of me, which obviously, he would. As the rest of the evening wore on, I remember I didn't eat anything the entire evening. 

   Aaron and his parents were amazing. They showed so much patience, and understanding with me, I don't know how I would've gotten through what happened without them. Regardless of how supportive they were, I just couldn't help but feel like Julian's suicide was my fault, because I never got along with him. I took what he did to me, as bullying, not having the slightest clue, that he may have been going through things, or was depressed, or whatever the case may have been.

   That night before I went to bed, I heard a soft knock at my door. I called for whoever it was to come in, and Aaron walked in. He came over to my bed, asking me to scoot over, so he could sit beside me. When he got in bed next to me, he put his arm around me, pulling me next to him, not saying a word. He just spent about fifteen minutes, just being there for me, letting me know without using a single word, that I was with people who loved me.

   About a week would pass, before any news on a funeral, or memorial would be announced in memory of Julian. When it would finally happen, I would go to pay my respects, where I would run into Julian's parents, and his older brother. An unexpected surprise would be awaiting me, that even I didn't see coming.

TO BE CONTINUED.............................................................................................................................

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