The Day We Met Part 13

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   In the morning, things started off rather normal. Since we didn't have school for the rest of the year due to what happened, Aaron and I both slept in for a while, his parents still had to get up for work, but at least they knew we'd be home safe where we belonged. At around 9am, I finally heard Aaron get up, so I got up too, so that we could both have our breakfast together. After breakfast, I decided to go online, to check my social media, so I went straight to FaceSpace.

   No sooner did I log in, I had dozens of messages and comments to read, which was unusual for my profile to get. So to start, I click on the messages. Every single message I received, had things like, "You killed Julian!", and, "Julian died because of you!", and finally, "You don't deserve to breathe air.", things like that. The comments I got were much of the same. I closed my laptop, rolled my way to the living room, transferring to the couch, then laid face down into a pillow.

   "Mike? Are you okay little buddy?" Aaron asked, concerned.

   "No, I'm not!" I told Aaron, "All of my so-called "friends" are now saying I killed Julian!"

   "That's ridiculous!" Aaron said, "Everyone knows he had issues! Why would they say you're responsible?" Aaron asked.

   "Maybe I am." I replied.

   "Come on Mike, stop buddy, you know you're not responsible!" Aaron said, "Those people should know it's not your fault!"

   Aaron moved from his chair, to join me on the couch, putting his arm around me to console me. Just then, there was a knock at the front door. Aaron got up to look through the peep hole to see who it was. Aaron opened the door, where Jamie, Sean, and Ben all came in. Sean immediately came over, sitting down beside me, Jamie and Ben however, both looked like they could KILL someone.

   "You just wait until I get online!" Jamie said, fuming, "How DARE those people accuse Mike of murder!"

   "Those same people better hope I don't find them in person!" Ben growled, "Because if I do, they're not safe from me!"

   Sean on the other hand, managed to keep his temper in check, because he knew I was upset already from what happened, and he didn't want to make it worse. He just sat with me, holding me in his arms, which is exactly what I needed at a time like this. Jamie kept her eyes on FaceSpace, where people were still shooting me comments that she prefer I not read. 

   Ben on the other hand, got on his page, writing a status, that read like this:

   "I am sick and tired of people going to my friend's page, leaving him bitter messages and comments about something he had no hand in causing! If ANY of you who know me, are a part of this, you can all leave my page now, because you are no friend of mine! This is ridiculous, childish, and needs to stop NOW!"

   By the end of the day, when I was finally able to check my FaceSpace page again, I went from over 200 followers on FaceSpace, all the way down to just four, those four being Aaron, Jamie, Sean, and Ben. I had lost every single other friend I had ever made there. When I would try to regain those friends to my page, they all blocked me. Ben, Aaron, Jamie, and Sean were the only four who remained loyal.

   That night, I got permission from Aaron's parents, to have my four remaining friends to have a sleepover. I didn't feel like being alone, and just having Aaron around, was not going to do the trick. I was in a very bad place mentally, and was going to need all my friends to help get me out of it. I would go to sleep that night, thinking I would never regain another friend again, but as it would turn out, thankfully, I would be completely wrong.

TO BE CONTINUED..........................................................................................................................

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