The Day We Met Part 15

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   In the morning when I woke up, I was the last to wake up as usual, no surprise there. I got out of bed, got dressed, buckled my seatbelt, then rode my wheelchair down the hall towards the kitchen. Before I even got there, I could Aaron, his parents, and Jamie all talking about me. I heard Jamie ask Aaron how he felt about me, this is what I heard.

   "Honestly?" Aaron said, "I love that little guy so much Jamie. All this time I've known him, I thought my feelings for him were just brotherly feelings, but the longer you spend time with him, he shows you that he's got a heart bigger than he is, he helps remind you that no matter what your struggles may be, that you can get past them. Every time I would pick him up for a bear hug, there would be times I just didn't want to put him down. I would give my life itself, if it meant sparing his, nothing means more to me than making sure that that little guy is protected." Aaron finished.

   When I heard those words, I wanted to just bawl my eyes out on the spot, but I somehow held it together. I rolled into the kitchen, trying to make it look like I didn't hear Aaron's words, I passed Aaron's parents on the way in, they had to get ready for work, so they didn't really have time to talk, but as I entered the kitchen, Aaron and I immediately locked eyes. Aaron gave me that big smile of his, and of course, when I saw him smile at me, I wanted to drop right there on the spot, but I tried to hide my bashfulness. I normally just pulled my wheelchair into the end of the table, but I transferred to the bench Aaron was sitting on, I wanted to be close to him that bad.

   As soon as I was on the bench, Aaron immediately opened his arm to invite me in next to him. I no sooner got next to him, and leaned into his side, that his giant arm wrapped around me, I had never felt as safe with him as I did in that moment, even though we were only at his home. After a few minutes of being next to him, I suddenly felt Aaron get his hands under my arms, then lift me into his lap.

   "I think this is a safer place for you handsome." Aaron said, "I don't want you to fall off the bench since your balance isn't all that good."

   Aaron had a good point, because as far as my balance was concerned, it did actually suck, so being in Aaron's lap actually felt a lot safer, plus anytime I got where I could snuggle with him, made me that much happier. After Aaron finished reading the sports section of the newspaper, he moved the paper away, then gave me a soft squeeze.

   "How's my little guy this morning?" Aaron asked.

   Normally, I hated being called little, but there was something about the way Aaron said it, that it made me feel special, if that makes any sense. I looked up at him, smiling.

   "Good now that I'm with you." I replied.

   Jamie couldn't contain herself.

  "You guys are so stinking cute!" Jamie squealed.

   After a few minutes of cuddling with him, Aaron helped me back to my wheelchair, making sure I was securely buckled in, then asked me to go with him to his room, so naturally, I followed him. When we got there, he quietly closed the door behind us, where we heard Jamie say, "Darnit!", which Aaron and I both got a good laugh out of.

   "Sorry Jamie, we'll be out in a bit." Aaron said.

   "No problem!" Jamie answered.

   After Jamie had retired to the living room, Aaron was still in need of getting dressed. I knew Aaron was a big, strong guy, who went to the gym every day, but I never had the chance to see him without his shirt on, that is until now. He went to change his shirt, and that's when I got to see him topless for the first time. Aaron had a magnificent physique! Bulging biceps, pecs, and a stomach that almost had a six pack, but not quite, he still looked more than incredible to me though.

   It was going to be a hot day, so Aaron's choice of outfit, was a white tank top, and navy blue shorts, the outfit was completed by black high top sneakers, hiding a pair of white socks. After Aaron finished dressing, we went to the living room together, where Jamie was sitting on the couch, watching a talk show. Some guy on the show was cheating on his wife, but trying to deny it, but they showed security footage of it happening in their own home, that the wife wasn't aware of, and she ended up beating the crap out of the guy for it.

   Aaron just shook his head and chuckled at the scene on TV. I decided to play sneaky and put him on the spot. 

   "Would you ever cheat on me?" I asked.

  "You've been through enough for someone to cheat on you handsome." Aaron answered, winking at me.

   Then before I could react, Aaron bent down, giving me the softest kiss I've ever been given. Poor Jamie, she had this look on her face as if to say, "Oops, I shouldn't have seen that!", and looked away.

   Aaron then checked his watch, "Oops, I'm late!" he exclaimed, "Hey Mike, you want to go with me to the gym while I work out with the guys?"

   "But..... what if they see us together and laugh at me?" I asked. 

   "They won't Mikey, because I won't let them. If they do, that's their mistake." Aaron told me.

   I had nervous thoughts about going, but any chance I could get to be with Aaron, I wanted to take it, so I agreed to go. So Aaron helped me out to his truck, easily lifting me into his arms to help me in, then once I was safely inside, he loaded my wheelchair into the bed of his truck, and off to the gym we went. Aaron could see how nervous I was, so the whole way down to the gym, he held my hand, trying to comfort me as best he could.

  Once we got to the gym, my nerves hit their peak. Aaron looked at me, only growing more concerned.

   "You really ARE nervous, aren't you handsome?" Aaron asked.

   "I think scared is a better word for it." I replied.

   I felt like I knew what kind of people I would run into at this place, but over and over, Aaron assured me I would be okay, because he would stay nearby, just in case anything bad happened. Once we got inside however, my fears would quickly fade, because I would meet people who had the same feeling about me that Aaron did, as far as being made fun of was concerned.

TO BE CONTINUED............................................................................................................................

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