The Day We Met Part 7

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   Monday morning came, so I had to get up to go to school, which is the last place I wanted to be, but I sucked it up, got ready, had breakfast, then Aaron volunteered to take me, so I wouldn't have to put up with a long bus ride. When we got there, Aaron helped get me out of his truck, then we went into the building together, Aaron stayed closer to me than usual, just in case anything happened.

   So when I went to my locker, I was able to get my books out of my locker, and none of them had been touched by other students. Aaron didn't stray away though, because he just didn't trust some of the students. After I finished gathering my books, Aaron walked me to homeroom. As I went inside the classroom, Jamie was there waiting for me as usual, to find out an update on my situation. I told her what I knew, and like the great friend she was, she obviously felt bad for me, but she reminded me, that being at Aaron's house, was the best thing that could have happened to me.

   The first period bell rang, and the weirdest thing happened. When Aaron came to walk me to class, he had two other guys from the football team with him, who told Aaron they wanted to volunteer looking after me, as far as walking me to class went, so I actually had three guys walk me to classes that day. After my first four classes, we went to lunch, where two more chairs were added to our table, and the same two guys, Joe, and Scott, who helped Aaron walk me to class, were at my table with Aaron. I had made two new friends, out of two guys I didn't even know, without even trying.

   When I asked Aaron if he told them about what happened, he promised that he hadn't, nor had Jamie when I asked her. I would've asked Julian if he was to blame, but he wasn't there that day, then I found out how it happened. My father had a blog that he apparently kept online, where the two guys that walked me to my classes, were subscribed to him. According to them, my father had said some very nasty things about me online, that's how they knew, but then as the day went on, I found out that more and more people had been reading his blog, and had unsubscribed from him due to what he had said.

   As a result of this, that ended up being why no one else had tried to bully me, because they all drew the line on the things my father had said about me online, all the students in the school were now standing with me in solidarity! I had already blocked my father's blog on the website he had signed up to, and it was a site that once you block someone, you couldn't undo it, so I wasn't able to read what he had said, and Aaron told me it was best to just not worry about it, so I did as he suggested, especially since I was in a better place anyway.

   Finally, the day had come to an end, and it was time to go home. I was saying goodbye to students I didn't even know that day, with all of them telling me things would get better, which I was hoping they would. Then after Aaron said goodbye to Joe and Scott, he walked with me back to his truck as we prepared to leave. On our way home, we had a pretty good discussion.

   "Looks like you had a pretty easy day today Mikey." Aaron said.

   "Thank god." I replied, "But I can't believe my dad stooped that low to put our private lives online like that." I said.

   "Well, you don't have to worry about it now buddy." Aaron pointed out, "You're in a better situation now, you live with me and my folks, you can't get much better than that. I'm glad people left you alone though, it'll make it less awkward at the party I'm throwing this weekend." Aaron concluded.

   "Party?" I asked.

   "Nothing big." Aaron said, "Just a few kids from school, and I'm very selective of who I invite, less trouble that way."

   "You are inviting Jamie, right?" I asked.

   Aaron chuckled, "I got you covered buddy, of course she'll be there! I have to do invitations tonight, so I have a busy evening ahead. I have 20 people to do invitations for."

   "I can do ten, and you can do ten, it'll get the job done faster if we split 'em!" I said.

   "Are you sure you're up to it?" Aaron asked, "I know you've been through a lot lately."

   "It'll actually help get what happened off my mind." I replied.

   So after dinner, Aaron and I set off to do the invitations for the party. I had met a lot of the people that Aaron had invited, but then I came across a name I didn't know, an invitation for a guy named Sean. I showed Aaron the name, but he didn't have much info on the guy, just that he was new, and was looking for a friend, so Aaron buddied up with him, which didn't surprise me, since that's just the kind of guy Aaron was.

   I finished 9 of my half of the invitations, and Jamie's was the last one. So when I wrote it up, I made it sound like the party was going to be really fancy. I showed it to Aaron after I wrote it up, and he DIED laughing, nearly falling from his chair. I couldn't help but chuckle myself after I wrote it up. I was going to put it in my stack, when Aaron asked me a question.

   "What are you going to do, if Jamie shows up here wearing a ball gown and high heels?" Aaron said, still laughing.

   "Good point." I replied.

   So I grabbed another blank invitation, writing it up like I had done all the others, since it was just going to be something casual, a come-as-you-are party as it were. Once we got the invitations done, I packed my half of them in my backpack, then headed upstairs to get ready for bed. When bedtime came around, I tucked myself in bed, settled down, then finally went to sleep. In the morning after Aaron and I would get to school, the mystery would be solved, on who this Sean guy was.

   Sean and I would end up getting along A LOT better than even I thought we would.

  TO BE CONTINUED.......................................................................................................................

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