The Day We Met Part 10

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   The final day of the weekend was upon us. The morning was really kind of boring, as some Sundays are. Aaron's parents went to church, but Aaron and I decided to stay home and just hang out. As the afternoon came, the phone rang, and Sean called to see if I was free to go with him somewhere. I told him it was just Aaron and I, because Aaron's folks were at church. I didn't want to leave Aaron by himself, but Aaron insisted that I go with Sean while I had the chance.

   So I agreed to go with Sean, I went in to get ready, and about 15 minutes later, he arrived to pick me up. When we got in his car, he drove us to this quiet park a couple miles away, where hardly anyone showed up. We walked to a quiet spot away from everybody to talk, where Sean found us a bench to sit on together. I transferred from my wheelchair, onto the bench, then Sean sat beside me.

   "This is our first time alone since you and I met." Sean said.

   "I know, I was hoping this would happen sooner." I replied.

   "Oh?" Sean asked, "I hope I haven't kept you waiting long?"

   "I've been wanting to go out with you ever since meeting you." I told Sean, "I like you a lot."

   "That's what I've heard." Sean replied, putting his arm around me.

   I slowly cuddled up to Sean, just to see what he would do. At first I thought he'd push me away, but that didn't happen. He actually pulled me in closer, giving me a good squeeze, which I didn't object to. Sean smiled at me. We just sat together quietly for an hour straight, that is until this cranky looking old woman walked by, looking disgusted by us.

   "It should be illegal for two men to show affection like that! You two make me sick!" She growled.

   I started to get up, but Sean held on to me, "Don't let her comments get to you Mike." Sean said, "She has no control over what we do together."

   I relaxed against Sean again, but boy did that woman make me mad! How dare she comment on something that's none of her business?

   "How did you stand what that woman said?" I asked Sean.

   "Her comments didn't bother me Mike." Sean replied, "I know that for you, it may be different, but we have to get your confidence up handsome. You can't let what someone says about you, defeat you. You are able to live your life the way you want, no one but maybe your parents has control over that." Sean said.

   "I wish I was as brave as you are Sean." I said.

   "You'll get there Mike." Sean replied, "It won't be easy, but you'll get to that point. You have Aaron, Ben, and I to help you along the way, but you have to put in the work to build your confidence up too."

   The biggest roadblock to realizing that I was bi, was my father. He just refused to see that I was who I was, and couldn't change myself. I even told Sean about how much of a negative effect my dad had on me, and that's where he agreed, that being away from him was the smartest move I could've made.

   "If your dad doesn't want to accept that you're bi, then just leave him to his mistakes. It sounds like he's obviously made his mind up, and there's no changing it. But remember, it's his mistake, not yours." Sean reminded me. After a few hours, Sean had to take me back home, because it was getting toward dinner time. We got back in his car, then started our journey back to my house. I said my goodbyes to Sean, who gave me a huge hug, then he waved, leaving for home, telling me he'd see me at school in the morning.

   Tomorrow, it would be back to school. Unfortunately, it would also mean that Julian would be back after a lengthy, unknown absence. Sean, Aaron, and even Jamie would all be there for what we thought would be a normal day, but then, something would happen that NOBODY would see coming, one of the worst things to happen in the school's history!

TO BE CONTINUED............................................................................................................................

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