The Day We Met Part 18

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   As 4pm finally rolled around, Aaron and I got in his truck, heading down to Indigo to meet up with Wyatt. He told us to tell the door man who we were, and who we were to be taken care of that night, and then we'd be let in. When we finally arrived, we got out of the truck, making our way to the door. We get to the door, show our ID's, then tell the doorman who we're being taken care of by.

   "Let me check the list fellas." the doorman said, scrolling through it, "Ah! okay, here you guys are, go on in."

   We went inside, looking around, the whole building had a black and light gray theme, except for the illuminated sign that said, "Club Indigo" in, you guessed it, the color indigo! The dancefloor had two ways you could get on it, one side had steps, while there was a ramp for people like me who were in wheelchairs. The host came to help us, asking which security member would be treating us.

   "We're here to see Wyatt." I replied.

   "One moment, let me go see if he's available." the host said, going off to find Wyatt.

   Sure enough, a few seconds later, the host came back, with Wyatt following behind. Wyatt came up to us, shaking hands with both of us. One thing I'll say about going to this place, is that when Wyatt plans a visit, he thinks of literally everything. He made us a spot that had more than enough room to accommodate my wheelchair, so I could get in and out from the table without blocking anyone. We were also close to the dancefloor so we could go up if we wanted. Once he seated us, he went to go get a waiter or waitress to help us with food and drinks.

   The unique thing about this place, was Wyatt wanted it to stand out from all other clubs, so this place was more a family place than anything else, except children had their own area to dance than the adults, but only kids above the age of 12 could enter. The club was also alcohol free, which was Wyatt's choice.

   A waiter came to treat us, asking us what we'd like to eat. I ordered fish and chips, while Aaron ordered a T-bone steak and a baked potato. When we got our food, I looked at Aaron's plate, the steak was so big it almost took up the whole plate...... and Aaron finished EVERYTHING! Thankfully they went easier on me, so I was able to finish my food also. After we ate, the waiter came to take our plates, then Aaron told me he had to use the restroom, so while he went to do that, I waited for him to return.

   When Aaron came out of the restroom, I thought he was going to come back to the table, but he hung a left, and went up onto the dancefloor, where after he got up there, I lost site of him. The next thing I knew, everyone who was on the dancefloor was being asked to exit. After everyone left, I saw Aaron standing in the center of the dancefloor, microphone in hand.

   "Mike, would you come up here with me please?" Aaron asked over the mic.

   I rolled up onto the dancefloor, having no clue what was about to happen. As I got in front of Aaron, he had me close my eyes briefly. 

   "Okay Mikey, open your eyes." Aaron said over the mic.

   I opened my eyes, to find Aaron down on both knees in front of me.

   "Mike, I know you and I aren't old enough to get married yet, but would you accept this promise ring, so that one day, you and I can spend the rest of our lives together?" Aaron asked.

   I immediately burst into tears, letting Aaron slip the ring on my finger, then I unbuckled my seatbelt on my wheelchair, because I knew what was coming next, then sure enough, Aaron scooped me out of my wheelchair, after handing the microphone back to the DJ, and was holding me in his arms, the crowd in the club erupted into a huge applause, some of the people in the crowd were even crying!

   When Aaron and I exited the dancefloor, not one person judged us for being a same-sex couple. They all congratulated us, wishing us well. As Aaron and I headed back to our seats, the guys from the gym all came over to us, including Shane, who gave me one of the biggest hugs I think I've ever gotten from him. I immediately let him know that he was going to be my best man, because I wouldn't have it any other way, then I heard a deep voice behind me.

   "What about me?" Wyatt asked.

   "Well.... I mean..... Shane's my....... and well." I stammered.

   Wyatt patted my back gently, "I'm joking." he whispered to me, giving me a big grin, then congratulated me and Aaron.

   As for Shane's answer on whether or not he'd be my best man, I almost didn't even get the question out before he said yes, that's just how tight Shane and I were. Aaron and I ended up having a blast, and Wyatt did an incredible job making sure we were well taken care of. We told him we'd be back for sure, once it was time for the club to close, which was at around 10pm, due to some teens being in attendance. 

   Aaron and I went to his truck, loaded up, then headed home, holding hands the entire way. I couldn't wait to show Jamie my ring. She was secretly hoping Aaron and I would end up together, so I knew she would flip out when I showed her the ring. It would turn out, that when I would meet up with Jamie, she would end up with some news of her own to share with me.

TO BE CONTINUED.........................................................................................................................

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