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"Daichi! Come on, we're going to play soccer!" A boy called, knocking loudly on the door to Daichi's house. Daichi groaned. He really didn't want to play with them today, but he knew they wouldn't leave until he agreed to play at least one game of whatever sport they had chosen.

"Give me a minute!" Daichi yelled back, jogging to the door and slipping on his outdoor shoes. The brunette unlocked the door and pulled it open. Immediately his friends cheered, happy that they had persuaded Daichi to play.

They all went out to the street. Their neighborhood was small and far away from busy roads so it was perfectly safe to play games in the street or on the sidewalk. Chalk drawings decorated the sidewalks, each chalk butterfly and flower more colorful than the last.

Two team captains were chosen and they quickly chose their teams. Daichi was one of the first picks and went to the far end of the street where the rest of his team was waiting.

One kid pulled a whistle out of his pocket and blew on it, making an ear-peircing whine. Immediately the two teams went at each other, everyone going for the ball in the center of the street at once.

As one of the boys went to kick the ball into a home-made goal, but the hot summer sun caught his eye and he missed completely, sending the ball flying down the street.

"I'll get it!" Daichi said, already running after the ball.

Daichi passed house after house chasing after the ball. The houses in the neighborhood weren't the best in the world, but this area of town was high-income so it allowed people to look after their homes and keep them looking nice. Most were painted various shades of brown with white trim, with the occasional pastel color thrown in.

When Daichi finally caught up to the ball, it was resting on the lawn of a three-story, pastel blue house. Each window was framed with white, following the theme of the rest of the neighborhood. Daichi saw one of the pristine white curtains on the top floor sway, even though the window was closed. The brunette squinted and saw what looked like a face tentatively peeking out from behind the curtain. He couldn't make out many features of the person, only the fact that they had very pale skin.

Daichi stood there for a moment, trying to see any more details of the person in the window, but just as he thought the person would peel the curtain away and reveal themselves, the curtain was suddenly pulled completely over the window, leaving no trace that the person was ever there.

Daichi blinked. Either he just saw someone that had never played in their games or the last hour in the sun was messing with his head. And trust him, Daichi had played with everyone.

Daichi picked up the ball from the yard and ran back to the soccer game.

"Hey, Daichi! What took you so long?" One of the kids asked, approaching the brunette. He took the ball out of Daichi's hands and dropped it to the ground.

"It got lodged in a drain and I had to pry it out," Daichi lied, not ready to tell everyone about the person he had seen in the window.

"Cool, it's your turn to kick off!"

Daichi smiled and put his foot on top of the ball, steadying it for his kick. Daichi then took a step backwards and brought his foot forwards, kicking it to one of his teammates.

The ball was swarmed and Daichi ran to the center of their makeshift field, thoughts still consumed by the face he saw in the window.


Woah! First chapter!

I hope to have a consistent schedule with this book (unlike popular cough cough) but I have no idea what that schedule is going to be yet. This chapter is 666 words too lmao


Have a nice day/night! [No takebacks]


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