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Daichi trudged along the sidewalk, kicking at puddles as he went. His hands were shoved as far into his pockets as they could go, making his shoulders hunch up like he was a vulture.

The street was still wet from the previous day's rain, meaning the area his friends were normally laughing and playing in was quiet and empty.

Dsichi sighed. He tried to be a positive person, but something negative was nagging in the back of his head, sneaking into his thoughts. Something was wrong with Suga. That was a fact.

*But what?* The brunet wondered, turning the final corner on the way to his house. It couldn't be any life threatening thing, he was only fifteen! That was such an early age to start wasting away.

*Maybe I'm overthinking this!* Daichi thought. *It could be something like Athsma!*

With that thought he looked up, noticing that the sun had gone behind the clouds. A single crow flew above, chirping a melancholy tune.

Daichi swung the front door of his house open, sighing as he did. He hated how fast his thoughts could go.

In the living room, his mother sat on the couch, watching a home improvement show that the brunet had no interest in.

"Hey, Daichi! Did the visit go well?" Kazue asked, turning the TV off and rising to her feet.

"Sort of? We had a fun time but something happened and I had to leave early," Daichi said with a sigh.

Kazue had crossed the room and put a hand on her son's shoulder, stooping down to look him in the eyes.

"Well, look on the bright side! You made a new friend all by yourself! I'm so proud of you," Kazue cooed, pulling Daichi into a tight hug. She let go after a lingering moment and patted his back.

"I'll have lunch ready soon, ok? I'll call you when it's ready." Daichi nodded and climbed the stairs to his room. Once inside, he flopped down on his mattress, letting out a sigh.

The creeping feeling of both curiosity and dread was making its way into Daichi's head. Sure, he wanted to know if there was anything wrong with his new friend, but did he really? If it was something deadly it would just make him sad to know that Koushi is dying.

Sitting up, Daichi made his second promise of the summer. He was going to make this the best summer Koushi's ever had, just in case he doesn't have the chance to enjoy another.


Sorry for the short chapter, volleyball starts today and I was super stressed about it ;-;

I haven't decided if I'm going to go on hiatus or not. There's only going to be a handful more chapters but I'm having trouble finding motivation.

Have a nice day/night! [No takebacks]


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