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It was raining.

It was actually raining.

Daichi groaned when he heard the soft pitter-patter of rain hitting the roof. Rain meant that he wouldn't be able to play with his friends today, and that he wouldn't be able to visit the blue house again.

Daichi sat at his desk, staring out the window. Should he make something to deliver to the house tomorrow? Or should he just sit around and wing it when the appropriate time came?

But Daichi, being the practical person he is, decided that it was better to get something ready instead of going in blind.

Daichi decided that he should make a card for the boy who lived in the house. It was easy, simple, and could get his point across without him having to do much explaining at the time of delivery.

Daichi stood up from his chair and left his room, making a bee line for the cabinet where they kept their craft supplies. Inside were various pieces of cardboard, colorful construction paper, and any decoration you could think of.

Daichi grabbed a sheet of orange paper, some stickers, and a pair of scissors. He closed the cabinet and raced back up to his room, his excitement growing with each passing second.

Daichi dumped his items on the floor and grabbed a medium-sized sharpie. Daichi sat down next to where he had dumped his craft supplies and started working.

Twenty minutes had passed and he was almost finished. The orange paper had been folded in half and decorated with stickers and small doodles of various plants and flowers. The inside was the same, except there was a note that read:

Dear you,

Hi! I know I haven't been able to talk to you, but I really would like to be friends with you!

Daichi :)

Daichi read the note a few times to make sure he didn't make any mistakes. Once he was satisfied with how it turned out, he stuffed the paper into an envelope and sealed it. He held his final product in front of him, looking over it like he was a proud parent. Now there was no excuse for the boy not to meet him!

Daichi placed the filled envelope on his desk and started to clean up the mess he had made. He didn't want his mother getting on to him later.

Once he had finished he left his room and walked down to the kitchen where his mother was preparing an early lunch. It was quickly approaching eleven o'clock and the rain still hadn't let up.

"Quite the storm we have," Kazue commented, looking up from the onions she was chopping to glance out the window. Daichi murmered his agreement and took a seat at the counter, watching his mother continue to prepare the food. Soon the smells of cooking chicken and onions started to drift through the room, making Daichi's mouth water.

Before Daichi could get up and steal any of the food, a knock sounded at the door. Daichi got up and went to answer it, being met with the sight of one of his friends standing there, completely soaked from the rain.

"Hey, man! We're all meeting up at Tersurou's house to play video games! Wanna join?" He asked, shifting his weight and trying to keep warm.

"Sure, just give me one sec," Daichi said, running back into the house to tell Kazue where he was going. She gave him to go-ahead to leave and Daichi raced back to the door, pulling on his shoes and leaving the house with his friend.

When they arrived at Tersurou's house, almost all of the neighborhood boys were there. Some girls were there, but they were hanging back and not getting into the danger zone.

"This is not going to turn out well," Daichi murmered, taking a seat on the couch and waiting for the chaos to begin.


So, my school requires us to do summer reading for our English class. I chose Dune (By Frank Herbert) and I honest to God have no idea what's going on. I just finished it and if anyone has read it and understood it PLEASE PM me. If you know of any YouTube videos that have a summary of the plot of the book please send them to me!

Have a nice day/night! [No takebacks]


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