Together (Finale)

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Everyday for the rest of the summer, Daichi would visit Koushi in the hospital. He would arrive when visiting hours started and leave when they ended. They would laugh and joke all day, simply enjoying each other and the company they had to offer.

But, no matter how happy Daichi was, he couldn't help but notice how each day Koushi grew paler and paler. The bags under his eyes gradually grew and darkened. His eyes glazed over. He had lost the ability to talk a week ago, so their conversations had become one sided.

He hoped Koushi knew he was smiling under his mask. He hoped he knew that he loved every second that he spent with him.

It was now the last week of summer, and school was quickly approaching. Instead of spending all day in Koushi's dreary yet comfortable hospital room, he would have to go out and buy school supplies, or go to school to meet his teachers.

Koushi remained in the hospital, patiently waiting for Daichi to come back.

"It's the last day before school starts back," Daichi said as he sat in the chair beside Koushi's bed. Koushi turned his head and gave him a solem nod.

"I promise that I'll visit after school each day. You can count on it!" Daichi exclaimed, reaching out and taking Koushi's hand in his own. He linked their fingers together and pulled their hands to his heart. He fixed Koushi with a determined look, making sure that the silverette was looking back before he started speaking.

"Koushi, you are the strongest person I know. Keep fighting, because you're so, so close to getting better. I can feel it!

"And when you get out of here, we're going to do everything that you missed. We're going to race in the race-until-you-drop, and take the title away from Kinoshita. And we're going to do it together, ok?"

Koushi smiled and nodded, hazel eyes clearing for a moment.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Koushi's nurse poked her head in the door and said, "Excuse me, visiting hours are over."

Daichi let his and Koushi's hands fall apart.

"I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" Daichi said, and Koushi nodded. Daichi looked into Koushi's eyes one last time, trying to memorize his face. He started at the top, looking a how his bangs framed his face to the mole beside his eye. He looked at the slope of his nose and the curve of his mouth. And in one last fit of bravery, he leaned down a pressed a kiss to the apple of Koushi's left cheek.

It was awkward, because of both the mask and the angle, but when he pulled back Koushi was smiling so hard his eyes were crinkled at the edges.

"Bye, Koushi," Daichi whispered, getting up from his chair. He walked backwards toward the door, never taking his eyes off the boy he had fallen for over the summer.

Daichi waved one last goodbye and then slipped out of the room, bouncing down the hall with a skip in his step.

Once Daichi was gone, Koushi let out a soundless sigh. He shimmied further under his blankets, trying to get comfortable. And when he closed his eyes to go to sleep for the night, he knew, deep down, that it would be the last time.

Koushi Sugawara died at 1:04 a.m.


Merry Christmas, motherfuckers.

Have a nice day/night! [No takebacks]


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