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Koushi's mother pulled up to the hospital, making a hard right into the parking lot. Once she had parked they unloaded and made the small trek to the main building, which was presumably where Koushi was staying.

They checked in at the front desk and quietly walked to the elevators. Koushi was in the children's wing, which was on the fourth floor. The bland elevator music played softly in the backround of their ride up, the mechanisms whirring underneath them.

When the ding sounded and the doors opened, they stepped out, Koushi's mother leading the way. They ended up at the far corner of the floor, room 423 to be exact.

Koushi's mother knocked and pushed the door open, letting them into the room.

As soon as Daichi stepped inside he noticed how clean the room smelled. It was so unlike the Suga he had come to know, who was full of life and love. It smelled like rubbing alcohol and bland soap. Daichi hated the smell of hospitals.

He next noticed the beeping of a heart monitor, the steady beats like the ticking of a clock. And last he saw a large tube coming up to the hospital bed, the end attached to his best friend's mouth.

His pretty hazel eyes were closed, eyelids still. His chest rose and fell with the ventilator, the only thing keeping him alive at the moment.

"Are you the Sugawaras?" A previously un-noticed nurse said. She was standing at the sink, checking a chart above it. A bright blue mask covered her mouth and nose.

"I am," Koushi's mother said. "But these two are guests."

The nurse smiled and said, "Due to his condition, you three will have to wear masks when visiting. I hope you understand that we are trying to keep you from getting sick too."

"It's no problem," Kazue said, spotting a box of masks and taking three out, one for each visitor.

"Visiting hours end at eight," The nurse said before leaving, closing the door behind her with a quiet click.

Kazue took a seat in the corner, allowing the other two some space. Koushi's mother took a seat by the bed while Daichi remained standing.

A few minutes passed in silence, before Koushi's mother reached out her hand and rested it on Koushi's shoulder. A forlorn sigh passed through her lips and she closed her eyes.

More minutes passed in the cold, desolate hospital room.

Dinner rolled around and the two mothers ventured to the cafeteria to find something to eat. In the meantime, Daichi moved to sit at Koushi's bedside.

"Hey, Koushi," He started with a sigh. "I don't know much about what's going on, but I really want to talk to you again. Your smile was really pretty. I want to see it again." Daichi's eyes fell to his lap. Tears welled in them, threatening to break free. Sure, the time that he had known Suga had been short, but they were times that he would remember until he was old.

"Well, all you had to do was ask," A small voiced croaked.

Daichi's head shot up, the force making a single tear fall down his face.

And there Koushi was, hazel eyes open and bright. A smile formed around the plastic tube in his mouth, brightening the dreary room.

"Koushi!" Daichi exclaimed, throwing his arms around his friend's shoulders. Suga chuckled, the sound small but full of mirth. "I thought I'd never get to talk to you again! No offense, but you looked dead."

"Wow, way to punch a guy when he's down," Koushi joked, rolling his eyes. He could see Daichi smiling despite the mask the covered half of his face.

"I'm just telling it like it is," Daichi replied. He went to make another light-hearted joke but Koushi started to cough, the sound wet and gross. It subsided after a few seconds, but Koushi looked even more drained than he did before.

"I hate to cut this short, but I'm really tired. See you tomorrow?" Koushi said, eyes already half closed. Daichi just nodded, patting him on the shoulder before leaving the room. On his way to the cafeteria he bumped into Koshi's nurse and told her about the coughing fit he had, and she smiled and thanked him.

He soon met up with Kazue and Koushi's mother in the cafeteria. They ate in silence.

Haha sorry I've been dead.

School has really picked up and I have play rehearsals everyday after school so it's quite the busy schedule lmao.

Have a nice day/night! [No takebacks]


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