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Game night at the Kuroo residence had gone smoother than expected. Nobody had died or gotten injured, though quite a few fights had broken out over Mario Kart.

The night had passed and so had the rain, the only signs of it being the puddles of water that decorated the sidewalks, washing away any Chalk drawings that remained.

Daichi had woken up feeling fantastic. He jumped out of bed and got dressed as quickly as humanly possible. He reasoned that the sooner he got ready, the sooner he got to meet the boy who lived in that house.

Just the thought of meeting him gave Daichi butterflies in his stomach. Meeting new people was always fun, and Daichi felt like a dog who's owner was teasing him with treats.

Once Daichi was ready he grabbed the letter and raced down the stairs, making a beeline for the door.

"And where do you think you're going, mister?" The groggy voice of his mother rang clear from the kitchen, stopping Daichi in his tracks.

"I'm going to visit the blue house!" Daichi replied, a sheepish smile breaking out over his face.

Kazue emerged from the kitchen, coffee cup in hand. "At six fourty-five in the morning?" She asked, amusement and confusion in her tone.

Daichi made a questioning noise and looked at the clock that hung in the living room, seeing that it did indeed read six fourty-five.

"Oops," Daichi started, chuckling nervously. "Guess I was a bit too exited."

Kazue laughed. Moments like these made her realize how much she loved and adored her son.

"Well Mr. Early Bird, how about we have some breakfast while we wait for a reasonable time to visit, ok?" She asked and Daichi nodded. He skipped into the kitchen and dropped the letter into the counter and started making himself a bowl of cereal. Kazue took a seat at the counter and continued to sip her coffee.

Only fifteen minutes had passed when Daichi finished his first bowl, so he poured himself another and finished that in a mere ten minutes.

"Now can I go out?" Daichi asked, picking up his letter and holding it close to his chest. Kazue nodded, watching as her son smiled and ran out the door.

Daichi sprinted down the street, being careful of puddles that might make him slip. The letter was still clutched close to his chest, keeping it out of harm's way. Daichi would be devastated if it got ruined.

When Daichi arrived at his destination he was out of breath, and the humid summer air did nothing to help him. The humidity was making him feel sticky. He definitely looked a bit sweaty and scruffy, which was not ideal, but he couldn't back out now.

Daichi walked up to the door and rang the doorbell, stepping back as the sound of the chimes dissipated. Soft footsteps sounded on the other side of the door and it was opened a moment later, revealing the exact person Daichi wanted to see.

Even in the dim morning light, Daichi could tell this boy had been up for hours. His pretty silver hair was neatly brushed, not a strand out of place. His skin was clean, and Daichi took notice of a small mole that accented the skin by his left eye.

Soft, hazel eyes widened as the boy took a moment to look Daichi up and down.

"May I help you?" He asked, opening the door a little farther. His voice was high-pitched but not squeaky, though it was quiet with disuse. Daichi's head was filled with images of birds flying freely over a field at the sound of his voice.

"Yes!" Daichi exclaimed, a bit too exitedly. The boy flinched back. "Yes, I made you a card!"

The brunette untucked the note from his chest and handed it over to the other boy, who took it hesitantly. He undid the glue seal of the envelope and slipped the note out, opening it and reading over it quickly. A small smile formed on his face, making Daichi's heart flutter.

"So, your name is Daichi?" He asked, taking the note and tucking it under his arm.

"Yep! Daichi Sawamura. How about you?"

"Koushi Sugawara, nice to meet you." Koushi put his hand through the door opening and Daichi shook it.

"Would you like to come in?" Koushi asked, gesturing inside.

"Absolutely!" Daichi responded quickly, moving through the now fully open door.


I want to kill myself I swear to god.

How would you guys feel if I wrote a buzzfeed unsolved one-shot? Like with haikyuu characters written like a buzzfeed unsolved episode? And guys please check my announcement board I have a thing that I would like you guys to respond to.

Have a nice day/night! [No takebacks]


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