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The next morning came and Daichi shot out of bed, pulling on his clothes in record time. It was already past seven, so he bypassed breakfast and sprinted to Koushi's house. The day was clear, with barely a cloud in the sky. Nobody was out yet, so Daichi's trip with uninterrupted.

When he reached the blue house he slowed to a stop and steadied his breathing. He walked to the front door and knocked, taking a step back.

After a moment of no movement inside the house he knocked again, this time hearing hurried footsteps on the other side.

The door was flung open to reveal Koushi's mother, pale and frantic looking. Bruises were painted under her eyes and her hair was a bird's nest, seeming to have gone un-brushed for several days.

"Ah, Daichi. What are you doing here?" She asked, voice cracking. She sounded close to tears.

Daichi hesitated before speaking. "I just came to check on Koushi... Is he doing ok?"

At his words, the woman's eyes glazed over. They were cloudy with tears and an emotion he couldn't identify.

"Oh, right. You weren't here yesterday. Well, he," She stopped for a moment and took a breath. "He's in the hospital."

"What!" Daichi exclaimed, completely caught off gaurd. Just two days ago he was in tip-top shape, how was he in the hospital?!

Daichi reasoned with himself. *Maybe he just broke a bone,* He thought. *Or maybe hit his head on the stairs?"

"Here, come in and I'll tell you the story," She said solemnly, opening the door wide. Daichi stepped into the house and noticed that all the lights were off, casting shadows onto almost every surface.

Suga's mother took a seat in the living room and Daichi followed, perching on the edge of a chair. He was eager to hear this story, and worried for his friend.

"Koushi has had trouble with his lungs since day one," She started, letting out a sigh. "He always loved to run around and play, but would have a very hard time breathing afterwards. At one point we had to take him to the ER, and there they said that he had probably contracted a small case of pneumonia when he was young that permanently damaged his lungs. Ever since then, I've been trying to keep him as safe as possible, but he keeps getting it again and again."

"Is that why he stayed in the house a lot?" Daichi asked, scooting forward. He could see a single tear falling from the mother's eye as she nodded.

"Is it possible for me to see him?"

Koushi's mother looked up, seeming to be thinking. "We would have to tell your parents and get their permission, but yes, you can see him."

Daichi stood up from his chair and thanked her, showing himself to the door. He walked calmly until he was outside, but once the door closed he broke into a full sprint, flying down the sidewalk like a man with fire on his heels.

When he arrived at his house, he threw open the door and started to frantically search the house for his mom.

He found her sitting in her room, reading a book and sipping a cup of what looked to be tea. She looked up when he opened the door, and upon noticing his frantic state, she asked, "What's wrong, bud?"

"I just," He took a breath of air. It felt foreign in his throat. "I need your permission to go to the hospital to see Koushi."

"What!" Kazue exclaimed. "Do you know what happened?"

"No, that's why I need to go to the hostpital." Daichi explained.

Kazue sighed and stood up, walking to the door and pulling on her shoes. "Well, let's go then. Would you mind walking me down to their house?"

Daichi and nodded and opened the door, waiting for his mom to exit and lock it before leaving. They both jogged down the street, Daichi leading the way.

When they arrived at the Sugawara residence, Suga's mother was sitting on the porch steps, her head in her hands. Kazue approached her, letting the grief-stricken woman notice her on her own.

"Oh, you must be Daichi's mother. It's a pleasure to meet you," She said, holding out her hand. Kazue took it, giving it a firm shake.

"Likewise. Daichi told me he needed to go to the hospital, may I tag along? I admit I know nothing of the situation, but I'd like to help in any way I can."

Koushi's mother smiled and stood up, gesturing for them to join her at her car. Kazue got in the passenger seat while Daichi sat in the back.

Koushi's mother started the car and they puttered down the road, slowly making their way to the hospital.

So I completely forgot I wrote this chapter... oops. Now that school has started (and I'm involved with both volleyball and theater) I'll update when I can. Updates will still always be on Mondays.

Have a nice day/night! [No takebacks]


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