Epilogue: A Letter From Behind Bars

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Day 12:

I am now behind bars now. Given exactly what the sentence stated: life in Maximum Security. Nobody came to see me, and even if they did, it was to give or show pity towards my actions. Even my wanted-to-be-girlfriend, Meggy. She sees me the most, even if it's once a month. It's so lonely in my cell. Dark, nobody around to hear my echoes.

I don't even know what day it is in the year, it's been so long since I've seen the sun. Well, I CAN see the sun, just... every morning for about twenty minutes. So little daylight, so little time. The nights are frigid, and the days are just average.

It doesn't help the fact that I have the scars on my arms from when the Blades of Chaos were ripped off. My arms are completely shredded. Most of the skin and muscle are gone, so they're basically just bones and veins now. Blood transfusions really CAN save a life, am I right?

I don't even know how much longer I got now. I donated my half liver to Meggy, but does that solve her drinking problem? I don't think so. I think I might've given it away for nothing. Dammit, I really hope she can take better care of herself.

Mason Taylor. My son, my little Jackal boy. I leave my inheritance to you, young man. My guitar, my friends, everyone. I know you will do great things with what you have been given.

Squid Sisters, Callie and Marie. You two cousins are the best two people to have ever been with me by my side. I leave Mason for you two to take care of. If you have wished to take care of a kid before, here you go. He is not only a gift, but also a memory of who I am. If you need any help, Off the Hook is also there in any case necessary.

Meggy. My sweet, sweetheart love of a squid. I don't want you to hurt yourself because of me. I love you, you crazy squid girl. Don't do anything stupid. I leave my son in your hands as well. Marie, Callie, and you can all take care of him, but at least take turns with caring for him. I don't want anyone gouging anyone's eyes out just because they ain't taking their turns.

Michael Jameson. I don't know why I'm writing about you, but I guess I can say you were a good friend before all of the lies. But now that you told me the truth, I respect you for what you had decided to do to keep yourself from losing your mind with me. I guess I can say I don't have a reason to lie anymore. I hate you for lying to me, but I still care for you like a brother.

Zero and friends. My Jackal squad. You have helped me with my life, but have drove me to go too far. Ivan, I thought you were supposed to be the smart one, but instead it just... I don't mean to blame anyone for it. In the end, it was my own damn fault. I hope you guys have yourselves a life of prosperity. Especially you, Zero. Go get my sister and take her for a wonderful woman, man.

Well, guys. I guess this is one of the many letters you will all receive from me within my time behind the bars. Just remember to be yourselves, and don't get into much trouble. Mason, my dear son, keep the family legacy going on strong, my little man. And remember: Dad loves you with all of his heart.

-Love, from all of my heart,

I sighed and handed the guard my letter. He took it and read it silently to himself, then nodded.

Guard: Where do you want me to send it to?

Me: Moray Towers, Floor 5, apartment 75. It's where my friend is.

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