(RQ) Their reaction : When someone came in the middle of a kissing session

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This is requested by @gaarakinniewe. I hope you enjoy it.
Btw, do you guys know Golden Child?
Jangjun is wrecking my bias list.

  👉 Man, this is definitely somehow feeding his ego.
👉 Jk, but seriously tho...
👉 He would be like ... "Shall we give em a free show, my love?"  with a smirk on
👉 In the end, the intruder would get out from the room with a red face and tainted eyes. 🤣

👉 I think he would be embarrassed. Like first a shocked Pikachu face then he'll be like "let's just go home, y/n"
👉 But he might hit that intruder with something nearby... They're lucky if it's a pillow, what if there's a brick nearby-
👉 If the intruder is one of his group mate... You better save him, cuz he's dying in embarrassment.

👉 He didn't mind them at all ... his main focus at the moment is you and only you.
👉 Actually in the inside he's flipping shy.
👉 He would just act like it doesn't bother him at all.
👉 As soon as the intruder left you can hear him saying "gosh, that was so embarrassing"

👉 Mixtures of Ravn and Seoho but make it sassy
👉 "Yah, can't you see we're in the middle of an important business?!"
👉 But then "babe, can we just continue this at home?"

👉 He would be like
"why are people these days are so RUDE?? Did they ever heard about knocking?"
👉 Stopping whatever he's doing at the moment to complain about mannerism.
👉 That would be just like my teacher complaining about his coffee before starting the class.
👉 End up bringing you home

👉 blushy babie!
👉 He would be whining about this. Like that is so unprofessional of the intruder.
👉 Honey, I highly suggesting that you should comfort him by buying his favorite food.
👉 Poor child.

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