Their reaction to you pranking them

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I honestly bored that's why I'm here and writing lol. Anyway I might be publishing in here more than the other book lol.

> Ravn <

~ what is the most trending prank that is what you're gonna do. You gonna give him a massive headaches. He's not complaining :")
~ He would be prepared in the first place tho...
~ no offense but your prank is failing but he would pretend to fall into your prank so you could have a smile plastered on your pretty face.

× Seoho ×

~ He would just playfully pranking you back.
~ "No dangerous prank that could risk our relationship y/n. I don't want to lose you because of a prank"
~ See that 👆🏻.... He love you so much
~ I dunno bit I think he gonna have a slight headache with your pranking habits but he'll always love you that's for sure.

• Leedo •

~ Just smile at you in adoration....
~ Your pranks might not be working on him and you would just pout when it fails.
~ but he just thought that you're adorable human being and offered a cuddle the whole day.
~ lucky you... You get a hug from him... I'm jealous (jkjk)

∆ Keonhee ∆

~ 2 words... I'm gonna dramatically say this "drama queen"
~ this boi is one of the dramatic person you'll ever met in your damn life
~ if you make the ' breaking up with my boyfriend prank' (you and me gonna have a nice and pleasant talk.)
~ Seriously dude, that prank is gonna make him cry and if anyone from this book cry, I might need to kill you with a plastic knife

✓ Hwanwoong ✓

~ He would prank you back. He cannot let you be happy after pranking him.
~ "One hell of a day..." That's what he say.
~ He might do something else than pranking you back.
(You nasty child, go and bath yourself with holy water... )
~ He just wanted to start a tickle war since you prank him. (What are you thinking?)
~ but what I know that if he's mad .... He gonna look psychotic for sure...

✨ Xion ✨

~ This boi would try and bite you.... I guess (?)
~ Jokes aside... I think after pranking him.... He might throws him whole plushies to you
~ And it's the beginning of the plushies war... Good luck... You probably have commander duck with you.
~ He would also slightly ignoring you for an hour. Just to be in peace for awhile tho.

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