(RQ) Their reaction to you having your period

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This is requested by Dreamphobia7
I hope you liked this 👉👈

➝ I think he would be mature about this
➝ since he has an older sister after all.
➝ I think he might already prepared some aspirin, his hoodies, your fav food and some plastic full of different pads and tampons.
➝ Someone get a Ravn pls

➝ He also got an older sister
➝ That's why he came prepared
➝ he bought you loads of bananas 🍌
➝ like literally the fruit
➝ you would be in a culture shock once he explained to you why eating banana is good during period.

➝ When the Satan's sacrificial waterfall started... Oh boy, he's going through alot.
➝ He's definitely not a best cooker but for you he'll try.
➝ He obviously respect all of your needs
➝ having him constantly rubbing your cute tummy
(Imagine him doing that if you're pregnant. Awe)

➝ You'll be treated right.
➝ Chill, he got 2 younger sister. He can handle this thing.
➝ He would just cuddle you and only speak when he was spoken to.
➝ cuz man, he's terrified. But he definitely love you.

➝ This boi don't know what he's doing.
➝ but he decided to make a hot and warm choco with marshmallows to soothe the cramp pain.
➝ I asked my boy bsf about what'll he do if his gf is on her period... He said "I'll definitely call my mom first"
➝ So yeah.

➝ Sweetheart, trust me.. if I say that you'll be drowning in pillows and blankets then you'll be drowning in it.
➝ He might go no experience but he'll know what to do after reading a ff about it.
➝ Disney movies all day long.
➝ obviously with Commander Duck from the Second Forces.

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