Leedo As Your Boyfriend

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Hey! It's me. Yeah I told y'all that I'm going on hiatus because of school and stuffs. So this is the only thing I could do so bare it with me.

I'm sincerely sorry for the inconvenience that I caused to all of you.


×As your boyfriend who both raps and sings, certainly he'll sing for you to sleep with his deep voice

× and waking you up with his husky voice

× since both of you're good with kids... Each time he see you playing with some random kids at the park he would think that it must be nice once you guys have kids

× I randomly wrote this while listening to Red Thread... So I think if you and Leedo fighting when he's busy... He would think of a good way to apologize to you. In other way writing some song that express his feelings for you

× just like how he confessed to you. It's work everytime he did.

× He just want you to know that he live you like crazy so love him as much as he does

× he understands the concept "love is letting go" so that's why when it comes to your passion he wouldn't be passive, obsessive and possessive.

× but don't you dare play when it comes to feelings with him. Cuz he's the 'be real' type ( I dunno if it's tru )

× Welp I think I wrote this in other _______ as your boyfriend that the members are gonna teasing you both.

× If you ask him to choose between you and his work... I think he would choose you... Cuz he can get another agency lol.
(I'm not saying he should leave RBW ENTERTAINMENT )

Anyway I hope you guys enjoy this
Peace out ✌️

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